Dave East Talks The Blood-N-Crips Of Comics, His New Project, His Big Superstar Dreams + More

Dave East

Dave East in a Marvel movie? Nipsey Hussle albums? New Albums? East shares a bit of his life with The Amazing AllHipHop Podcast?

Dave East has put in the work and now he is celebrating the spoils. The Harlem rapper has ascended to unimaginable heights of success in this new New York. He has been prominently featured on a hit TV series (Wu-Tang: An American Saga), he has established himself as a staple in the New York City Hip-Hop community and he only sees greatness in his future.

But right now he is continuing to celebrate the new project HDIGH (How Did I Get Here?). But there’s far more to Dave East than amazing music, streaming television and swooning girls. Signified by the cover art to the project, East has meaningful music and depth that supports some of the more superficial aspects of his rise.

As the inaugural first guest for The Amazing AllHipHop Podcast, we delve deep into the nuances of his burgeoning success and also have a lot of fun. He talks about his current ambitions, his dreams and desires for his life, fatherhood and then some. This great conversation with Chuck Creekmu a.k.a. Jigsaw and SlopsShotYa is a great one. Recorded and filmed at WonWorld Studios, we make history right here. Our own history, just like East.