What’s this all about?
Mase once said, “Harlem on the rise,” but it looks like the only way is up from here. The chick Azealia Banks is going in on her Harlem homey A$AP Rocky. In a twitter drive by, she went at him calling him everything from gay…well gay. My sources tell me that, while Rocky has a flair for the flamboyant, he’s not gay. But, I’ve got nothing to do with this one. This could get out of control fast. Mase also said, “You don’t want no problems with us guys.” I know A$AP and his crew don’t very much play and they definitely get busy in the streets. Wondering how they deal with beef of the female persuasion. I do know the one pic of him and the other dude has already been proven photoshopped. I’m out.

This is A$AP’s EX….just sayin’
They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry! -illseed.]
Illseed, Out.
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