Hip-Hop Rumors: Did A Member Of Ray-J’s Crew Rape A Woman?


Well, I told you more info was coming down the pipeline with this. I’ve been taking it easy on it, but I’ve been in discussions with the woman on it. Flatly, she claims she was raped by a member of Ray-J’s crew. They keep using Ray-J’s name so I wonder if they are going to go after him in some way even though he didn’t do the alleged deed. Now, there is more to it all, but I’ll let you read it straight from Jane Doe herself. She told me the following:

My friend convinced me that it finally was the right thing to do and I’m finally comfortable talking about it . A few years back while hanging out with p### star India we left a club in Hollywood and went back to R&b singer Ray J house . I was raped that night by one of the guys from Ray j entourage and one of the guys who came in the bathroom where I was being raped was a known Music producer and he didn’t help me at all. I ended up pregnant from this situation and had an abortion this situation has affected me tremendously.  

India she is writing a book and its due out in a few months were she talks about her life and etc . One of the chapters she wrote about was a night she and my friend were at ray j house. India asked me not to go to the police and this has caused some issues in their relationship ! This all happened a few years back and it has affected their friendship!  If you would like to hear   

Also, India had a hush hush pregnancy with mr. Marcus a few years back that  ended with her getting an abortion at 5 months.

They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry! -illseed.

Illseed, Out.


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