Daily Word: Be Blind To Haters!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Lovers of Life! Welcome to the day we begin to spread our energy in the right direction! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being blind to haters! Hate is a terrible disease that isplaguing our world! It is a disease that is tearing down hard work and perpetuating mediocrity! It’s giving critics, […]

Daily Word: Hustle Harder!!

Great Morning, my Movers and Shakers! Welcome to the day you stop making excuses and go get what you want! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your Hustle! Those who really want something make it happen, those who don’t make excuses! You can’t go around wishing for success, but not be willing to take the […]

Daily Word: Be 100% YOU!!

Rise, Grind, Shine, and Give Thanks!! Welcome to the day that you finally decide to be authentically you!! The day that you stop caring what people say, and the day you continue towards greatness! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being you! Trying to be someone else is such a waste of who you really […]

New Watch Alert: Hublot Holds Down Hip-Hop

“Hublot, my watch better” – Pusha T (“I Don’t Like) The strong correlation between music, fashion, and style is quite solid. Many luxury bands have become the love child of some of the biggest influencers there are. Hublot, which thrives off the mission of bringing the art of fusion to watches, has found a perfect […]

Daily Word: Stop Procrastinating!!

Morning, my good folks!! Happy Thursday!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to procrastination! All too often we put off for tomorrow, things that need to be done today. Procrastination is the biggest killer of dreams. It keeps telling you that you can do it tomorrow, until tomorrow has come and gone and you are left […]

Daily Word: Make The Difference!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Creatures of Compassion! Welcome to the day that you realize that “to do” is always better than simply “just saying.” There’s no positive way to say this, but we live in a crazy world… Aworld where the latest technology release is more important than the latest presidential polls… A world where freedom […]

Daily Word: Maximize Your Abilities!!

Happy Tuesday! Welcome to the day that you continue to maximize your full potential! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your abilities! It’s not enough to be talented! It’s not enough to just be able to do great things! You must use your God-given talents to make great things happen! There are many talented and […]

Daily Word: Pick The Right Team!!!

Happy Friday, my Centers of Influence and Creatures of Excellence! Welcome to the best day of your life…. Everyday!! The day that you realize that you waking up, breathing, and reading this right now is a blessing, and everything else is just a bonus! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to teamwork! I rarely talk about […]

Daily Word: Keep a Cool Mentality!!

Peace and Blessings, my talented and tenacious! Welcome to another opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to keeping your cool! There will always be reasons to be upset! There will always be excuses to blow off your handle! But what you need to realize is that anger stems from […]

Daily Word: Love Yourself First!!

Happy Wins-day, my Extraordinary Beings! Welcome to the day that you begin to take credit for who you really are! Marianne Williamson said it the best… “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens […]