Cle Sloan: Color Codes

  In 1986, Dennis Hopper’s Colors depicted gang violence in gripping terms that made people far removed from south and eastern Los Angeles see the microcosm of the ghetto. Although it introduced the world to today’s stars Don Cheadle and Damon Wayans, the film bent to fit the heartstrings of a Hollywood audience. Cle Sloan […]

Get Serius: Take It Higher

What up world! Yeah, your man is back at it again, journalizing my thoughts and internalizing my sport, hypothesizing and prophesizing theories on this outrageously turbulent game that I’ve subjected myself to. So for this installment I might as well make the subject myself: Serius Jones. As you can see, I’m taking this opportunity to […]

Death’s Afterlife

With so many visiting and viewing the demise of Hip-Hop in its public hospice, has anyone given any thought to exactly WHO is directly responsible for its ravaged condition? Granted, it’s easy to say that many have contributed to spreading life-threatening poison that have left it in a state of septic shock; I argue that […]