Hip-Hop Rumors: How Kanye West And Kardashian Tricked The Media!


Rumor has it, Kim and Kanye gave a false due date on purpose to throw off the media. Makes sense. They were bound to have a circus around them anyway, but the open revelation of a due date would have only added to that. So, sources say Kim purposely put a date out there so that people would be looking 4-5 weeks in the future and they sneakily had a lil girl Yeezy!

Some have theorized that Kanye dropped the album so that the massive press would promote the album while he chills with the kid and Kim. That’s just talk though.

Well, this part ain’t no news flash. Word on the street is that Kanye and the Kim Kardashian Krew are hype to have their new baby in the fam. Hey, that’s great news. It would be awful to catch a rumor that somebody was somehow miserable with this new bundle of joy. There are some other things floating around. And yes, we’ll probably be writing about this kind from now til…infinity. :/

Here are some things floating out there. Kim had to have a C-section to get the child out. The baby girl arrived 5 weeks early.

Apparently, Kris Kardashian has a talk show coming out soon. It has been speculated that she hopes to break first images of the kid on her show.

Kanye and Kim have reportedly moved into the Kardashian Kompound.

They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry! -illseed.

Illseed, Out.


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