Hip-Hop Rumors: Is There Trouble With T.I. And Tiny?


Yooooooo….there may be trouble on the horizon with Tip and Tiny. Now, these two have been ride or die for real since the 90’s. But, a recent post online, T.I. alluded to things being less than rosy in their garden.


“My Mama & Daddy back before da struggles of parenthood, relationships,& everyday life tore them apart. Damn dey look happy. Wonder what went wrong? Heh who knows? But da least I owe then both is to learn from them & never live life unhappily. I miss Pops…if he was here I got a gang of sh*t I’d ask him. But f**k it….I’ll figure it out. Somehow.”

That’s real spit right there, but what is he really saying? I’m sure being married that long has its challenges. They may just be having a rough patch. Hang in there, guys!


“They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry!” -illseed.


Illseed, Out.


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