Daily Word: Be Extra!!!

Happy Tuesday, my creatures of excellence! Welcome to the day that you begin to do your absolute best in everything you do! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Being Extra!! It is a known fact that most people never truly reach their goals because they only do just enough to try to reach them! What most people don’t […]

Ask Ash Cash: What Can You Do To Reduce Credit Card Debt?

AllHipHop.com’s resident Daily Word guru and all-around inspirational guy, Ash Cash, is back with his latest installment of “Ask Ash Cash.” Watch the video below his response, as he offers more sound advice to readers: Hello Again!! Today’s installment of Ask Ash Cash comes from Nicole…. Dear Ash Cash: What can I do to reduce […]

Daily Word: Find Your Pace!!!

Happy Monday, my Movers and Shakers!! Welcome to the start of another wonderful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to finding your pace! Life is a journey not a destination! Many times without really realizing it, we find ourselves racing against others, trying to write our story based on theirs! We compare what they’ve accomplish and attempt to keep up […]

AllHipHop At The Movies: “Dark Shadows”

Warner Bros. has reached into the past and brought back to life the story of the cursed Barnabas Collins and his family in their new release, Dark Shadows, which opens today (May 11) in theaters nationwide. Once a television soap opera type series in the 1960s, Dark Shadows is the story of the wealthy Collins […]

Daily Word: Always Be Thankful!!!

Peace and Blessings, my Blessed and Highly Favored!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week, and the beginning of the rest of your life! Starting today, I need you to always be thankful for EVERY aspect of your life! Your good times, your bad times, your triumphs, your fails, your victory, your defeats, your abundance, your struggles!! Everything […]

Daily Word: You Get What You Grind For!!!

Happy Takeover Thursday, my Talented Tenth! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to working hard! Many people have many ideas, many people have many talents, but they mean absolutely nothing if you are not willing to put in the work to obtain your goal! We are often told that we must have faith in ourselves and our abilities, but […]

Daily Word: Take The Shortcut!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Creators of Life!! Welcome to the most victorious day of your year!! The day that you can begin to take back control and go in the direction that will allow you to accomplish all of your goals!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Taking Shortcuts! If you are as focused as I know you are, then […]

Daily Word: Defeat Is Temporary!!!

Happy Tuesday, my Brave and Fearless!! Welcome to a new day, a new chapter, and a new opportunity to do it better than before!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to temporary defeat! STOP GIVING PERMANENT ENERGY TO TEMPORARY THINGS!!! On your road to greatness, there will be many times you will be met with temporary defeat… This in no […]

Daily Word: Expect The Best Now!!

Happy Monday, my Blessed and Highly Favored! Welcome to the week that will change your life forever! The week where you change your outlook and realize that everything you want is within arms reach! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your expectations! What are you waiting for? A miracle? Your circumstance to change? Your big breakthrough? A better […]

Celebrities With Armored Cars: The New, Necessary Trend?

Before Jay-Z and Beyonce’s precious cargo, Blue Ivy, made her appearance, there were talks that Jay-Z was purchasing an armored vehicle to keep his family safe. Many celebrities and political figures want to make sure that they are protected all around. From bodyguards to armored cars, celebrities want the peace of mind that comes from […]

Daily Word: Keep Dreaming!!

TGI…Everyday my Dreamers and Doers! Welcome to the wrap up of this wonderful week! We had our ups and downs, but the fact that we are still here communicating with each other is a clear indication that we came out on top! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to dreaming! Dreams are the fruit of life! They are what […]