Daily Word: Are You An Egg, Potato, or Tea Bag?

Good Friday, my Soldiers and Survivors! Welcome to the best day of the week…. EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your Trials and Tribulations, and how you handle them while on your journey!! I once heard an interesting analogy by Rev. Dr. Darin Moore about an “Egg, a Potato and a Tea Bag”… The Egg, Potato […]

Daily Word: Go With the Flow!!!

Happy Thursday, my Great Ones! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Going with the Flow! As I type this Daily Word, I am speaking to you from my daughter’s PC as opposed to my usual MacBook Pro… For reasons not yet known, my Mac decided to just stop working and wouldn’t reboot. The funny thing is that I recently […]

Daily Word: Get Out Your Zone!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my destined and determined! Welcome to the day you begin to change your life forever! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to getting out of your comfort zone! Many people say they want greatness, but many are not willing to pay the price for their dreams! We need to realize that in order to get what we want […]

Daily Word: Hard Work Beats Talent…

Happy Tuesday my Hustlers, Grinders, and Creators of Life! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Hard Work! It is a fact that in today’s world, there are many talented people living who are extremely unsuccessful! They have mastered their craft, and truth be told, no one […]

Daily Word: Get Back On Track!

Happy Monday, my focused and determined! Welcome to April 2, 2012! Today officially starts day one of the second quarter of 2012! It’s been 93 days, 2,232 hours, and 134,000 and some odd minutes! So far, you have been given enough time to see if what you are doing will help you achieve your goals! If […]

Movie Review: “Wrath of the Titans”

Is it just me, or is this 3D and this IMAX stuff getting doper and doper? How good can they actually make the animation? After watching Wrath of the Titans, a new sure-to-be summer box office hit, that was one of the first questions I had leaving the theater. Really, though, just think about how […]