Daily Word: Stop Stopping!! (Keep Your Momemtum)

TGI….Everyday!! Happy Friday, the 13th!!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week, but still the beginning of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to keeping your momentum! There is only one thing that really separates great people from the mediocre… It’s not talent, it’s not smarts, it’s not business savvy… […]

Daily Word: Stop Being Realistic!!!

Happy Thursday, my Talented Trailblazers!! Welcome to another opportunity to make it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not being realistic! Reality is not a fact, it’s an opinion! If your reality says that life is difficult, then life is difficult! If your reality says that life is abundant, then life is abundant! The […]

Daily Word: Stop Doubting Yourself!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my unstoppable great ones! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to self-doubt! No matter how hard you try, or how much effort you give, be rest assured that people are going to question what you do! They will doubt you, count you out, and act as if you are going in the wrong direction! […]

Justin Timberlake Announces MySpace TV At 2012 International CES Tradeshow

At this year’s International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is currently taking place in Las Vegas, singer/actor Justin Timberlake, co-owner of MySpace, announced the company’s plan to release MySpace TV in an exclusive deal with Panasonic: “We’re ready to take television and entertainment to the next step by upgrading it to the social networking experience. […]

Daily Word: Stop Following Blindly!!!

Happy Tuesday, my Dons and Divas!! Welcome to the best day of the rest of your life!!! Remember… Everyday should be the best day of the rest of your life!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to following blindly! No matter how much you try to be an individual, there will always be someone who thinks […]

Daily Word: Stop Talking!!!

Happy Monday, my blessed and highly favored! Welcome to the second week of the best year of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to taking action! So, it’s officially time to stop saying Happy New Year!! It’s officially time to stop saying what you’re going to do and how much this year is your […]

Daily Word: Know Thy Worth!!

TGI….Everyday!! Welcome to the end of a great beginning! As we wrap up the first week of what’s going to be the best year of your life, we are dedicating today’s Daily Word to knowing your worth! It is absolutely impossible to truly get what you deserve out of life if you don’t know or […]

Daily Word: NO Is Not An Answer!!!

Happy Thursday, my destined and determined!!! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not taking no for an answer! Those who really want something, make it happen. Those who don’t, make excuses! This year, as we go towards our goals with everything we have, we […]

Daily Word: Have Urgency!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Victorious Great Ones!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your sense of urgency!! I know today is “Only” the 4th day of the new year, and I know you feel like you have the whole year in front of you but you don’t!! Tomorrow is not promised! Tomorrow does not exist!! Tomorrow […]

Daily Word: Plan Purposefully!!

Happy Tuesday, my planners and doers! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to planning purposefully! As we continue our momentum towards the best year of our lives, we must understand that action without a plan is simply passing the time! DO NOT….. I REPEAT….. DO NOT get into the habit of doing things just for the […]