
Grouchy Greg

Follow me on Bluesky: - I am Grouchy Greg. I founded AllHipHop in 1996. In addition to running the site, I enjoy breaking news stories. My stories have been cited in The LA Times, NY Times, NY Post, TMZ, Yahoo, Billboard, The Associated Press, CNN, and more.

The 5% Album

Artist: Lord JamarTitle: The 5% AlbumRating: 3 1/2 StarsReviewed by: Jessica Dufresne It’s a bold move on Lord Jamar’s part to make an album devoted to something as complex as the Five Percent movement, but not far-fetched. If you’re old enough to have witnessed Hip-Hop when it was in its teens, then you know that […]

New Joc City

Artist: Yung JocTitle: New Joc CityRating: 3 StarsReviewed by: Jesse Fairfax The South’s recent foothold on the prevailing sound of the culture continues bringing fresh faces to the game. Atlanta in particular has been a hotbed with so many acts putting their own spin on rap music from crunk, to pimping, to the more innovative […]

Warren Sapp Opening HipHopSodaShops In Florida

NFL star Warren Sapp has signed an area development agreement to open a chain of HipHopSodaShops in his home state of Florida. The agreement, signed today (June 21) with HipHopSodaShops creator H3Enterprises, will allow Sapp the opportunity to open the stores throughout Central Florida and Jacksonville. HipHopSodaShops combine Hip-Hop music with Pro-Ball, healthy fast food, […]

Field Mob: Coming Correct

T he gods over at Google must invest in irony, because upon searching for the Georgian group Field Mob, the description lists them as artists from New York. Surely anyone with even an earlobe to the street knows of the current situation regarding the Albany, Georgia natives and their take on the New York Hip-Hop […]

Legendary Photographers, Graffiti Artists Host ‘Propaganda: The Dissemination of Ideas’

The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation is hosting an exhibition of legendary graffiti artists and graffiti documentarians. Entitled “Propaganda: The Dissemination of Ideas,” the collection of works examines contemporary, political and social issues through paintings and photographic imagery from Ernie Paniccioli, Durocia, Slang Tyrue, Peter Sutherland and JAMESTOP. The Danny Simmons Corridor Gallery will host the […]

Kevin Powell’s ‘Black And Male In America’ Townhall Meeting Labeled a Success

Approximately 500 people and 25 community-based organizations turned out Friday (June 16) to support Congressional hopeful Kevin Powell’s forum "Black and Male in America…A Townhall Meeting." The event, held at the Hanson Place Church, featured five hours of discussion among attendees whose ages ranged between 11- and 80-years-old. The turnout for the event, as well […]

DJ Irie: Heatmaker

T he American Airlines Arena is usually jumping when the Miami Heat are playing, but it’s not always Shaquille O’Neal and Dwyane Wade causing the excitement. The person electrifying fans is often DJ Irie, the official DJ of the Miami Heat. During the pre-game warm-up, timeouts, and intermissions, Irie transforms the AAA into “one big […]

Bobbito: Halftime

If you read the liner notes to any major Hip-Hop album from early ‘90s on, chances are you’ll see Bobbito’s name in the shout outs. If you a go to an New York street-ball event or Madison Square Garden halftime show, chances are, you’ll see Bobbito teasing the crowd with his mesmerizing handle. The same […]