
Grouchy Greg

Follow me on Bluesky: - I am Grouchy Greg. I founded AllHipHop in 1996. In addition to running the site, I enjoy breaking news stories. My stories have been cited in The LA Times, NY Times, NY Post, TMZ, Yahoo, Billboard, The Associated Press, CNN, and more.

Five & Done: The Knux

Currently, there’s a crop of progressive artists stretching the boundaries of Hip-Hop in every which direction. They’ve all but tossed conventional thought of what rap music should be to the wind in favor of a more experimental and care-free approach to making Hip-Hop. Leading this movement, we find the New Orleans bred-duo and brothers, the […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: The First J&B Wedding Pic! Jackson Reality Show? Elliot Spitzer’s H#####’s Video!

DISCLAIMER: All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. YESTERDAY’S RUMORS! Hip-Hop Rumors: Two Weddings For Jay-Z & Beyonce – Next Up – FRANCE?Hip-Hop Rumors Exclusive: Rick James Sex Tape On The Way? TODAY’S RUMORS MARY CONFIRMS […]