Hip-Hop Rumors: Jay Electronica Signed To Roc Nation? Kat Stacks Deported!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.OH, I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! I heard over this past weekend that Jay […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Game Wants Back In G-Unit! 50 Cent Responds!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. GAME WANTS TO BE BACK IN G-UNIT! The Game is looking to get […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: 50 Cent’s Illuminati? Janet Jackson Vs Oprah?

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.JANET JACKSON & OPRAH BEEFING! Earlier this year: The other day, Oprah Winfrey jumped […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Kanye Choke Amber Rose? 50 Broke His Arm? Jeezy vs Rick Ross Heats Up Again!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. WIZ AIN’T HAVE 30 POUNDS!!! There was a huge rumor running around with […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Baracka Flacka Flame RETURNS! Who Leaked Kanye? Gucci Mane’s Reunion!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. BARACKA FLACKA FLAME! The man you love to hate! Baracka Flacka Flame!!! Oh […]

Hip-Hop Rumors:T.I. Loses One? Nicki Minaj Engaged? Bow Wow Complains!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.T.I. LOSES ONE I am hearing that Tip just lose one of this main […]

Epic Fail of the Day: “Do The Jesus Lean” Dance

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. WOULD MC HAMMER APPROVE OF THIS? “THE JESUS LEAN”? This is a fail, […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Wiz Khalifa’s Mugshot!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.WIZ WE LOVE YOU, YOU STONER, YOU!!  They keep us talking, but if we […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: How They Caught Wiz! Drake To Do Aaliyah Movie? Rick Ross Rumors!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. SO…THIS IS HOW YOU CATCH A RAPPER IN 2010? Wiz Khalifa must be […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Wiz Khalifa-30 Lbs Of WEED? Kat Stacks Mom…SMH! Did Kanye Leak?

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. 30 POUNDS OF WEED?????????????? Say it isn’t so Mr. Wiz Khalifa! The lil […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Lil Wayne’s New Girl? Bow Wow Gets Suicidal? 50’s New Becky!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. LIL WAYNE GETS FLAVOR FLAV’S EX? I don’t know where these people get […]


DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT KAT STACKS DEPORTATION! LIL KIM: “I Will Erase This […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Lil Wayne At P### Convention? Amber Rose Mad At Funk Flex!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT KAT STACKS DEPORTATION! AMBER ROSE P##### AT FUNK MASTER […]


DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.KAT STACKS TO BE DEPORTED? She’s outta there. The reasons are still pending. But, […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Kanye West Does UStream! Free & Rocsi Leave Kids Disappointed! Old School Rumors!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.OH, I SEE WHAT TYRESE MEANT! Tyrese and LaLa have had some words. From […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Mario’s FREE TOO! Lil Wayne Rumors/Pix! CELEBRATE!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.TO HELL WITH RUMORS!!!! WEEZY IS FREE!!!!!!FIRST PIC OF LIL WAYNE? Looks like MTV […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Nicki Denies Dissing Kim? Red Cafe Arrested! Bow Wow Responds To Raz-B!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.RED CAFE ARRESTED and KICKED OUT OF CANADA!? I heard you can’t even get […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Kanye West Responds To George Bush!

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.KANYE RESPONDS TO THE ALLEGED RACIST! Kanye West responds to GW Bush! Oh snap! […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Jay-Z Responds To MC Hammer’s Diss

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com. JAY-Z COMMENTS ON MC HAMMER! Shout out to DJ Semtex! So, Jay just […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Kanye West Talks Naked Pics, Kim Kardashian, Amber Rose and…Music.

DISCLAIMER:All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.WHO: illseedWHAT: Rumors, Funnies, Fails and more!WHERE: illseed.com, twitter.com.illseedHOW: Send your rumors, sightings and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.Kanye West, with Pusha T in tow sat down with Funkmaster Flex of HOT […]