Time For Hip-Hop Color Codes

I implore the powers that be to implement some type of governing body that can approve, disapprove, reject or accept what comes and goes through our culture Hip-Hop. Said authoritative group would consist of Hip-Hop’s elite and influential players like Chuck D of Public Enemy, founding father Kool Herc, mogul Russell Simmons, rap god Melle […]

Russell Simmons Responds To Abraham Foxman’s Comments On Millions More Movement

May 9, 2005 Mr. Abraham H. Foxman National Director Anti-Defamation League 823 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 Re: Millions More Movement Dear Mr. Foxman: I am writing in response to your latest newswire release dated May 2, 2005 entitled, "ADL Urges Prominent African-American Leaders to Reconsider Their Support of the Millions More Movement." […]