Russell Simmons Responds To Abraham Foxman’s Comments On Millions More Movement

May 9, 2005 Mr. Abraham H. Foxman National Director Anti-Defamation League 823 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 Re: Millions More Movement Dear Mr. Foxman: I am writing in response to your latest newswire release dated May 2, 2005 entitled, "ADL Urges Prominent African-American Leaders to Reconsider Their Support of the Millions More Movement." […]

Hip-Hop: Censor Yourself?

I’m letting you all know – shadows no longer exist. It’s common knowledge that we are being watching and monitored like never before, whether its your Ez Pass, instant messenger conversations, email, 2way pagers, “security” cameras and most of the other modern conveniences we enjoy these days. But, since Hip-Hop is the new “mafia” to […]

In Defense of Nas & Hip-Hop

While “Ants at Nas’ Coon Picnic” raises some thoughtful and persuasive critiques of the rapper’s diatribe against “sellouts” in media and entertainment, the author’s fundamental premise is flawed, his opinion misinformed, and his tone quite elitist. Morris O’Kelly deserves kudos for pointing out the factual errors in “These Are Our Heroes.” Nas, by saying on […]

Gettin’ Grown

I wonder if anybody else has this problem I’m driving down the street listening to Youngbloodz "Damn", a musical masterpiece in my mind, at extraordinarily loud levels. After all, this song is just perfect for riding down the block and knocking pictures off a wall. I’m cruising along, then I notice the street light turns […]