
Exclusive: Chris “The Glove” Taylor Talks Death Row, Aftermath, and Dr. Dre (Part 1)

When Chris “The Glove” Taylor first appeared with Ice-T in the break-dance classic movie, Breakin’, he was already one of the most respected DJs on the West Coast. Spinning at the legendary Los Angeles club The Radio a.k.a. The Radio Tron, The Glove was known for his lightning speed scratches. Like a lot of DJs in the Hip-Hop game, The Glove turned to producing and soon became the right-hand man for Andre “Dr. Dre” Young and found himself working side by side with the iconic producer on classics like The Chronic, Doggystyle, All Eyez On Me, and later, The Chronic 2001.

Since The Glove rarely does interviews, AllHipHop.com has the wonderful opportunity to tell his unique story about the ups and downs of working with Dr. Dre. Although disappointed by some of the uncredited work he’s done, The Glove appeared by no means a bitter man when we spoke to him, and was more than glad to share some stories that he’s never had the chance to really tell. Read Part 1 of this exclusive story:

AllHipHop.com: You were in the 1984 movie Breakin’ DJ’ing for Ice-T. How did you get that part?

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: It all started with a club called Radio. The spot was a phenomenon because we used to have lines going around the block and it was open to any age over 13. The L.A. Times put us on the cover of their Calendar section and the producers of the movie came to check it out. Back then, people like Sting from The Police and Malcolm Mclaren would come out to the club.

So they began shooting the movie at the club and one day, I overheard the producers talking about how they needed music to capture the feel of a certain scene. I walked over to them and told them that I could do it. I was just a DJ at the time and had never produced anything up until then. They agreed to it and originally it was supposed to be just a music score for the scene. They had already hired Ice-T as the rapper for the movie, so I approached him about rapping over the beat. We recorded “Reckless” in the middle of the night and finished at 2 am.

AllHipHop.com: That was your first track? It must have been a quick learning experience.

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: I played all of those party tracks like “Planet Rock.” I got my hands on a drum machine after the producers agreed with my request. I learned how to program the beats on it. It’s hard to remember all of the details, but I believe The Egyptian Lover showed me the ropes on how to do it.

AllHipHop.com: Tell us about the experience of DJ’ing in Los Angeles back in the early ’80s before the West Coast Hip-Hop scene blew up.

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: We used to have big time East Coast DJs come to the club. I wanted to prove that L.A. DJs were just as hot so whenever they performed at our club, I made sure that I tore their a** up on the turntables. Each time, they would tell me that I was tight. People back East didn’t know much of what was going on in the West. Back then, they used to call Los Angeles “Southern.” For real! But myself, DJ Aladdin, and Bobcat were shredding whoever came in to town.

For the longest time, it was just me and The Egyptian Lover who were at the top tier. There were other DJs but they weren’t on our level yet. I met Bobcat when he was 16 years old and he told me he was the best. I told him to get down and he looked at my mixer and said he didn’t know how to work it. I laughed and was like, “I thought you were the best?” I showed him how to work the mixer and he was great! Later on there was a point that Bobcat was the best in town – even better than me when it came to scratching, speed, movement and techniques. After us, I would rank DJ Aladdin and then Tony G. Tony was bad! Egyptian Lover was bad too. We were like Superman and Lex Luthor [laughter].

AllHipHop.com: You didn’t list Dr. Dre.

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: I never saw him DJ. He played at Eve After Dark near Compton. As a producer I only rank Quincy Jones higher than Dre because of his work with Michael Jackson. That’s how I feel. But as far as DJ’ing goes I never saw him play live.

AllHipHop.com: How did you end up working alongside Dr. Dre?

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: I did the “Reckless” song and it sold 4 million copies by being on the Breakin’ soundtrack. I decided that I didn’t want to do rap after that and that’s why there is a huge gap between that song and my work with Dre. I felt like R & B music paid more at the time. I had an organ and piano background from church and high school, so I was writing songs. I was a part of a group called Po, Broke and Lonely. We were making hot songs and a mutual friend told Dre about our group. Dre had already heard of me through the DJ scene. We met him out at a party in Palm Springs and e signed us as a group because he was looking for something that was self-contained to where he didn’t have to produce everything – and that was because of me. I was also an engineer, which a lot of producers aren’t. They’ll just lay a beat down and leave it at that.

AllHipHop.com: So what did you and Dre start working on?

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: The first thing we started working on was the Po, Broke and Lonely album. We had this song called “Funky Vibe” and he did the remix. We were at a studio in Carson and I was the first person to show to introduce him to an SSL studio mixer. The way he had been recording was by having all of these different hands pushing the faders up and down on the board. I told him he was working too hard and said, “let me show you this thing called Automation.” It was the reason why I got to mix The Chronic album with him. The credits say, “mixed by Chris Taylor” but I admit that he mixed more of that album than I did. He sat in front of those boards.

AllHipHop.com: Did you have any production or co-production on The Chronic?

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: Yes. I produced a song called, “Stranded On Death Row.” That was me and Dre. There’s been a long standing rumor that I did everything and Dre did nothing. That’s not true. You will never hear me say that. But I also did a hell of a lot that I never received credit for.

AllHipHop.com: Like what?

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: Oh my God [pauses]. The Chronic not so much because I mixed it with him and it was all going good at that point. Although I never got credit for producing “Stranded On Death Row” and that’s where the f*** up’s started. I thought maybe that it was a mistake or an oversight at the time. So we go on to Snoop’s album Doggystyle and I worked with Dre hand-in-hand for about 70 percent of that album. I mixed more of that record than The Chronic.

AllHipHop.com: Did you produce any songs on Snoop Dogg’s Doggystyle album?

Chris “The Glove” Taylor: I produced a song called “Doggy Dogg World.” Dr. Dre did the beat as far as the drums; kick, snare and hi-hat. The bass player wasn’t playing it to Dre’s satisfaction, so I took over and played it on the Moog. Then Dre asked me to put the keys down on it, so I did all of the keyboard parts. He told me to record the beat and then he left – so I laid it all down. I also recorded Snoop’s vocals. I recorded everybody but The Dramatics although I sat next to Dre when that happened.

When that record was finished, Suge was standing on my right side and Jimmy Iovine was standing on my left. They were waiting for me to finish editing it so they could put it on the album and fly it on an airplane to the pressing plant. They told me that it would cost them $42,000 for every hour that it went over. They had trucks lined up, and they were waiting to ship it – Snoop’s first album was a monster. The main thing back then was making sure that the order of the songs was right – because the album has to flow right. We put as much work in to that as anything else on the album.

Check back on Monday for Part 2 of our exclusive interview with Chris “The Glove” Taylor!

Daily Word Special: Recoup! Reinvest! Revitalize!: 10 Steps to Maximizing Your Tax Refund!

So now that the Happy New Year smoke has cleared and the New Year’s resolutions are settled in, the next big thing that is on everyone’s mind is their tax refunds! We work hard and meet our obligations, all for the year end bonus from our dear friend, Uncle Sam. But is it a bonus?

With the upcoming elections, Occupy Wall Street, and the disdain for “The 1%,” many people cringe at the many tax benefits that the rich are able to get, but I have good news! These breaks are not only for the rich!

The following 10 tips can be used by everyone, no matter what your net worth is, to maximize your refund! Remember…. Recoup! Reinvest! Revitalize!!

1) Check Your Withholding (Increase if necessary)

If you’re employed full time, the first thing you should do is check your withholding and increase it, if necessary. When you were hired, you completed an IRS tax form called a W-4 which determines your tax withholding.

Your tax withholding determines how much money is going to be withheld from your paycheck each pay period. Many people do not understand its implications and are likely to choose 0 or 1 which is a number that represents your exemptions.

I remember when I first started working people would advise me to claim zero so I can get more money back at the end of the year. However, when you claim the least amount of exemptions, more money is withheld from your paycheck for tax purposes. In essence, you’re giving the government an interest free loan on your money that could be used
for your own personal savings.

In the reverse, when you claim more exemptions, less money is withheld in taxes – which is the better option and what I would recommend. Increase your exemptions enough so that you are paying the IRS exactly or close to what you would owe in income tax. The extra money that you will now receive in your paycheck should be used for saving, investing, and making your money work for you.

Be careful that you are not increasing your exemptions just for the sake of increasing them, because if the exemptions are not justified you can wind up owing money, and we definitely don’t want that!

2) Deduct All Donations

There are two universal laws that I live by; “the more you give the more you get” and ” to whom much is given, much is required.” Not only is giving back a noble thing, but it can also give you substantial tax
savings. If you made donations to a charity, you may be able to use them as deductions on your taxes. To qualify, your donations have to be made to a nonprofit organization that can prove they have 501(c)(3) tax status. Legitimate charities usually have their status clearly stated on their websites, or you can verify it directly from the IRS by
visiting www.IRS.gov/charities, then click on the tab that says ‘Contributors.’

The second criteria is that you must have a receipt from your donations. Not all of your donations count, and there are limits on what can be deducted, so make sure you check with an accountant to verify your eligibility. Some common deductions include real estate, furniture, clothing, cars, electronic equipment, office supplies, mileage, cash donations, and tithes paid.

If your job requires you to have or use equipment that you purchased out of your own pocket, and they do not reimburse you, then you may be able to deduct them on your taxes. Some examples include subscription costs for professional publications that keep you updated on how to perform your job better and professional dues paid to a union or professional organizations. Also, if you use your personal phone for work, then the portion used for work may be deducted. Some expenses, like uniforms and transportation, may not be deductible. Again, make sure you consult an accountant to verify eligibility.

4) Review Your Filing Status

Claiming single, head of household, married filing separately, or jointly, etc., can significantly influence the amount of money you receive in your refund. Your status may change due to a life event such as getting married, divorced, or losing your spouse due to death. Most of these life events can make you eligible for a larger refund. Generally, if you are married, you may expect a larger refund if you file jointly. Filing together usually lowers your overall tax bill and
can offer some tax breaks unavailable to those filing separately.

There are some reasons, however, that couples may want to file separately. If one has a large amount of debt like unpaid medical bills, behind on child support or student loans it may be in the others best interest to file separately.

5) Don’t Forget the Family

Taking care of kids and possibly parents who are aging can be very expensive now-a-days. Most people don’t know but much of the cost for caring for your family can be tax deductible. This includes fees paid for dependent care and health care expenses. Using these deductions can really save you a pretty penny on your taxes. Alimony is a another expense that can be deducted but not child support.

6) Pay Yourself First (Increase IRA Contributions)

In my book, Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Laws of Financial Freedom, paying yourself first is one of the wealth principles needed to create financial freedom. As it relates to your tax refund, it is one of the most highly recommended ways to increase how much you receive back. Contributing to your IRA (which stands for Individual Retirement Account) not only allows you to save for your retirement, but it also lowers your total taxable income
because it comes off the top. The more money you put into an IRA, the less of your income is subject to taxes. Usually, the lower your taxable income, the less you’ll owe in taxes, and the less you owe in taxes, the greater the refund. Cha-Chiiiing!!

Make sure you make your IRA contribution by the deadline and know your limits. The IRS puts a maximum amount that can be contributed each year. I can’t stress this enough, consult an accountant or tax professional to make sure your IRA contributions are made on time and in the right dollar amount.

7) Refinance Your Home

If you are a home owner refinancing your mortgage can be extremely beneficial. Not only will it lower your mortgage payments and the total amount paid over the life of your loan but it can also give you some extra money on your tax return.

Here’s how…. Most home loans, especially fixed rate loans, use what is called ‘amortization.’ Amortization is simply how your interest and principal are applied every time you make a mortgage payment. With a fixed rate loan, you are paying a fixed amount each month for the length of the loan. This payment is “Amortized” and divided between your principal balance (the actual amount of the loan) and the interest your bank charges to lend you the money.

To make sure the bank receives most of its interest payments upfront, in the first years, most of your monthly payment is being applied towards the interest, with a small amount going towards your principal. Each month, the equation tips just a little bit the other way and by the end of the mortgage, you are paying far more toward the principal than toward the interest.

When you refinance, this equation resets itself making the majority of your monthly payment mostly interest. The trick is that as it relates to your income tax, principal isn’t deductible, but guess what…interest is, so refinancing will give you larger tax deduction from the higher interest payments which equals……. you guessed it….. A larger tax refund!! Cha-Chiiing! Cha-Chiiing! Cha-Chiiing!!

8) Check for New Tax Laws

Whenever there’s any changes in the tax laws it can sometimes bring with it some tax deductions. The key is knowing what they are and whether you qualify. For example there’s a recent tax law change that can put thousands of dollars in your pocket if you recently bought a house, remodelled or incorporated any energy-saving improvements. You can also get deductions for your vehicle if you purchase certain types of hybrid cars. In order to know which tax laws have changed you can either use tax software like H&R Block or Turbotax which has updates on the tax laws yearly or you can hire a tax accountant. Given all the recent tax trouble people have been getting into I would suggest the latter.

9) Start a Home Business

We now live in a time where starting a business is not only easier but can be done with low overhead resulting in showing a profit early. With many people now, taking the leap of faith and becoming their own bosses it would behoove you to take advantage of its many benefits. Starting a home-based business can increase your tax refund first with your initial investment into the business and secondly you can deduct things like your home office, telephone, Internet service and office supplies. The deductions aren’t anything to sneeze at either; on average a home-business can bring in around $3,000 to $9,000 in tax savings. The great thing is that it doesn’t matter whether you run your business full-time or if you still have a 9-5; you can still benefit by running a home-business.

10) Next time Start Early

Lastly, it is important to start early. Trying to scramble last minute to figure out what deductions you can take advantage of may have you leaving money on the table. However being proactive can be very beneficial. You should start at the very beginning of the year anticipating what deductions you want to take advantage of; speak to your accountant early to come up with a game plan.

If you follow any of these 10 steps you will surely increase the amount of money you receive in your tax return. Don’t just let it go to waste make sure you are making the best choices and investing in things that can help your money grow. And if you are feeling generous you can also make a check payable to Ash Cash Enterprises, LLC (but I’m not sure if you’ll get a tax deduction! Lol! j/k).


Ash’Cash is a Business Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Financial Expert and the author of Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Laws of Financial Freedom. For more information, please visit his website, www.IamAshCash.com.

Slum Village Co-Founder T3 Launches New Men’s Health Initiative

(AllHipHop News) Slum Village co-founder, T3, has founded a new organization with a mission to help raise the awareness of Black men’s health issues, particularly the importance of preventive, wellness check-ups and mental health resources.

T3 gained a special affinity for health after losing both of his Slum Village bandmates before they reached the age of 35.

The legendary Jay Dee, also known as J Dilla, in 2006 died after battling Lupus and a rare blood disorder called TTP. Baatin was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia, and died due to complications of drug use in 2009.

T3 says he started Mind Over Matter in their memory, so that families and friends don’t have to lose their loved ones as early as he did, as well as to help Black men change their attitudes towards overall health.

The goal of Mind Over Matter is to reach the African-American adult male in the 25 – 40 age spectrum.

“Everyone knows how important it is to be healthy,” T3 states, “but, not everyone is healthy or acting with a healthy mentality and behavior. In many of our communities, Black men spend so much time trying to make it in a complex society and handle business when it comes to their families and their business initiatives, that they have forgotten to take care of themselves.”

Mind Over Matter plans to offer an “Open Mic Speaker Series,” where T3 will talk openly about health issues that he and his Slum Village bandmates experienced.

The series will also offer information and solutions for how others can cope with health issues and care for loved ones diagnosed with mental health challenges.

“It’s tough to ‘hustle hard’ and accomplish your goals, when the mind and body are not healthy,” he added.

Mind Over Matter wants to reach Black men in a relevant and engaging manner, and T3 is available for panel discussions, speaking engagements and local performances to benefit health organizations. Reach T3 on Twitter (@T3SV).

Video: AllHipHop.com Goes Behind-The-Scenes of YG’s Eventful “I’m A Thug” Shoot

On January 25, YG had a video shoot for his new song “I’m A Thug” featuring Meek Mill, in his hometown of Compton, California. The early evening shoot, located in the notorious Tree Top area of Compton, was flooded from the start with video extras and neighborhood fans coming by to get a glimpse of the action.

Mostly a large BBQ scene, the shoot included a cameo of South Central rapper Nipsey Hussle and a drive-way Lowrider scene, where YG and his homies had fun bouncing off of the car’s hydraulics. Spectators got a little too close to the bouncing vehicle and as you’ll see in our video, a young man even got hurt. In all, it began as a fun scene with the rappers hanging out with friends, family, and the fans who came out to participate.

Then, while waiting for Maybach Music Group rapper Meek Mill to show up, things turned ugly quick as the crowd began to get out of control and regular traffic could not get through. As a Compton Sheriff’s vehicle came through to clear up traffic, a group of young men came running from across the street shouting, “They’re bustin’ on the homies!”

Apparently shots had been fired down the block at a group of people, although I myself didn’t hear anything. Within seconds, the crowd began to run left and right to flee the scene, and as quickly as that happened, police zoomed in immediately and blocked off all street exits from every side and detained everyone they possibly could.

As I was heading down Oleander, a young man about 20 feet in front of me was trying to get to his car when a Compton Sheriff drew a weapon on him and told him that if he moved, he’d be shot. Thankfully, I was able to turn around and find an alley that allowed me to exit the scene without incident.

The area was once made somewhat famous at the beginning of DJ Quik’s “Loked Out Hood,” and I couldn’t help but think of the song as I made it back safely to home sweet home. Check out the video from AllHipHop.com’s unforgettable visit to the Compton set of YG’s “I’m A Thug” video:

Video/Album Review: Maino Previews His “The Day After Tomorrow”; Talks Music & Success

Earlier this week, Maino invited AllHipHop.com to an intimate gathering at Skyline Studios in Manhattan, New York City, to preview his new album, The Day After Tomorrow.

While his first album, 2009’s If Tomorrow Comes, was about Maino’s struggle from the streets to success, The Day After Tomorrow, focuses on handling success once you’ve left the streets but are still tied to your roots. In the words of Maino, “I’m going through sh*t, but I’m making money.”

The The Day After Tomorrow listening session began almost immediately, kicking off with a narration from Maino, who returns throughout the album, between several tracks and on the interlude, to add a more conversational aspect to his story.

On tracks like “Never Gon Stop” and “Unstoppable,” two of the albums more up-tempo records with single potential, Maino delivers lines like “critics said I flopped but my single sold a million,” “I’m a freight train on a collision course with success,”  and “I’m living proof anything can happen if you dream.” In other words, haters gon’ hate and Maino’s gon’ keep getting rich.

One of the album’s standout tracks is the Buckwild produced “Nino Brown.” Maino has created a soulful, feel-good, “West Side Highway jam”, backed by flutes and good vibes where he proclaims “look at me, I’m bigger than Nino Brown.”

Another standout from the album is “Gangstas Ain’t Dead” which features Push Montana and Mouse on an old-west influenced beat produced by A-Squared which has major potential to be considered at the very least, a street single for the album. All of the lyricists do their thing, but Maino’s child-hood friend Mouse really shines brightest out of the three on the track.

The singles, which you’ve almost certainly heard. “Cream” with T.I. and Meek Mill, “Let It Fly,” and the Robbie Nova assisted “That Could Be Us,” come one after the other during the album’s second-half. And while the album  bounces back and forth between records about living lavish and struggling to find your path and feed your daughter, the conclusion of The Day After Tomorrow packs some heavy punches with some of the Maino’s most introspective songs to date: “Messiah,” “Glad To Be Alive,” and “Day After Tomorrow.”

Overall, Maino has created a mostly well-rounded sophomore album that showcases his maturing as both a man and an artist; two characteristics that are very much present on The Day After Tomorrow. He has certainly prevailed within the lane he’s created with a more narrative approach to rapping then one filled with metaphors and punchlines that many listeners gravitate towards.

After the listening session, Maino sat down with AllHipHop.com to speak on a number of topics. In the first video below, Maino talks to us about his maturing state of mind and the different recording processes he experienced between his first and second albums:

In part two of our interview, Maino talks about the difference between his recently released mixtape, I Am Who I Am, and the album, The Day After Tomorrow, how critical mixtapes can be to an artists’s success, and what he plans on naming his third studio album:

Maino’s The Day After Tomorrow will be in stores on February 28!

Australia’s Iggy Azalea Officially Signs With Interscope Records

(AllHipHop News) Australian native and rapper Iggy Azalea has officially inked a major label recording contract with Jimmy Iovine and his Interscope Records, after rumors in the past few weeks have aligned her with several other labels.

The rapper took to Twitter to unveil the news with the following tweets: “Interscope, if you were wondering,” “Get used to me + jimmy smashing s###, cause thats the plan,” and “Album in june entitled ‘f*ck your life’ nah… not really its called ‘The New Classic’.”

Fans can expect Iggy Azalea’s major-label debut, The New Classic, to hit stores in June.

To get more familiar with Iggy, download her mixtape, Ignorant Art, here.

Check out her video for “My World” below:

Shaggy Set To Re-Release “Summer In Kingston” Album In February With New Tracks

Multiplatinum Reggae artist Shaggy is gearing up to re-release his tenth studio album, Summer In Kingston (Lava Edition), on February 7 with two new tracks.

The album earned Shaggy his fifth Grammy nomination in the category of “Best Reggae Album”; the winner will be crowned on Sunday, February 12, five days after the album’s re-release.

The two new tracks to be featured are “She Gives Me Love” and “Hurting” while a new version of the album’s fourth track, “Dame,” with Pop-singer Kat Deluna will also be included.

Recently Shaggy held his annual “Shaggy And Friends Benefit Concert” in Kingston Jamica which raises money for children’s medical needs and benefits the city’s Bustamante Children’s Hospital. Artists such as Lauryn Hill, Damian Marley, and Eve, all performed during the event.

Check out Shaggy’s new track, “She Gives Me Love,” below, along with details  from his recent interview with AllHipHop.com, :

Behind the Scenes Photos of YG’s “I’m A Thug” Video Shoot; Gunfire Erupts Near Set

(AllHipHop News) AllHipHop.com was on the set for YG’s “I’m A Thug” video shoot in Compton, California, this week and got some great shots of the rapper, the fans who showed up, homie and fellow rapper Nipsey Hussle, and more!

As you may have heard, the video was shut down after gunfire erupted on set before Meek Mill, who is featured on the track, could arrive to shoot his part for the song. Police showed up almost instantly and shut the video shoot down. As of press time, no fatalities have been reported nor has an arrest been made.

Check back tomorrow for exclusive, behind-the-scenes footage from the video shoot.

Photos by Tim Sanchez

Check out the full gallery of pictures below:

Non Hip-Hop Rumors: Da Brat Gets A Makeover?!?!

AllHipHop.com received some exclusive pictures of Da Brat getting a makeover by famed celebrity stylist, June Ambrose. Here are some exclusive pictures of Ambrose’s new VH1 show, called “Styled By June”, where Da Brat learns how to walk in high heels and more.

Though she’s not yet been fully “Styled by June,” rapper Da Brat took the first steps towards a new, more glammed-up image yesterday, when she hit the streets with Ambrose. 

AllHipHop.com caught June out in the streets of New York teaching the Hip-Hop star a lesson in “Walking in Heels 101,” after picking up some challenging pumps from Guisseppe Zanotti on Madison Avenue.  Rumor has it, Ambrose is working with Da Brat on a total rebranding and will have her making appearances soon that will featuring the platinum-selling artist rocking an incredible new style. Stay tuned for more details on the show!

Ja Rule Launches Remix Contest For “Parachute” Single Today

(AllHipHop News) Ja Rule, who is currently serving a 20-month sentence in prison for weapons possession, is launching a “remix” contest for his new single “Parachute” today (January 27) on Facebook.

The contest’s winner will be featured on the digital release of Ja’s upcoming album, Pain Is Love 2, which is currently set for release on February 28.

“Listen up music junkies! Here’s your chance to win win a feature spot on Ja Rule’s upcoming album, PIL2. Visit Ja Rule’s Facebook page now an download the a cappella of his new hit single “Parachute” and remix the song with your own twist. Submit your entry on his Facebook page by Friday, February 3rd. The top three remixes will be posted on Ja Rule’s Facebook page to be voted on by fans. Voting will take place on Monday, February 6th. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, February 7th and the winning remix will be featured as a bonus track on the digital download of PIL2.”

For rules and more information about the contest, visit Facebook.com/Mpiremusic.

Terrence J. And Rocsi To Discuss Teen Parenting On 106 & Park

(AllHipHop News) BET’s#### countdown show “106 & Park” will address the topic of teens and parenting, during a special episode that will air next week.

Hosts Terrence J. and Rocsi will welcome a number of special guests during the “Young, Single and Parenting” 90-minute special, which will focus on issues affecting young parents, specifically African-American youth.

Rapper Don Trip will discuss his track “Letter To My Son,” while actor/poet Tray Chaney will explain the motivation behind his video “Fatherhood.”

The guests will be joined by in-studio experts, Dr. Michelle and Dr. Tartt.

“We are proud of our place as the only daily source of Black Youth culture on television and we know it’s about more than music, celebrities and fun,” said Stephen Hill, BET’s President of Music Programming and Specials. “On 106 & Park, we’ve taken the time to discuss relationship violence, teen body image issues, AIDS prevention and other topics relevant to our audience. Many in our audience are young parents and need more information and guidance than they’re getting about how to work through certain issues; not the least of which is working on the relationship with the other parent for the benefit of the child. It’s our hope that this special edition of 106 & PARK will help strengthen young families.”

Both doctors will answer questions live from the audience during the special, which will air on January 30 at 6:00pm.

For more information on 106 & Park Presents: “Young, Single & Parenting,” visit BET.com/106Cares