
MTV2 Planning Elaborate Night of Programming Geared Towards Hip-Hop History

(AllHipHop News) MTV2 is set to honor Hip-Hop history with a special night of programming that includes an episode of “MTV2 Presents: Yo! MTV Raps Classic Cuts,” on Sunday.

The special show will be followed a special with MTV News crowning the “Hottest MCs in the Game VII” and a “Sucker Free Countdown” that will name five “Sucker Free Certified” rising stars.

The return of “Yo! MTV Raps” brings back one of Hip-Hop’s most-celebrated and influential music shows.

the 30-minute episode, which is being hosted by Sway Calloway, will document the era that helped shape and define Hip-Hop as the dominant music form that is today.

The “Hottest MCs In the Game VII,” also hosted by Sway Calloway, enlists the “Hottest MCs Hip-Hop Braintrust,” that will come together once again, to debate what MCs are making the greatest impact in Hip-Hop today.

Last year Eminem was given the top spot on “Hottest MCs in the Game VI,” while Drake, Rick Ross, Ludacris and Waka Flocka Flame all made the top 10.

Meanwhile, Nicki Minaj became the first female MC to ever earn a spot on the “Hottest” chart last year.

“MTV2 Presents: Yo! MTV Raps Classic Cuts,” airs on Sunday February 19th at 10 pm ET/PT.

Hottest MCs in the Game VII” will shoe at 10:30 ET/PT, while the “Sucker Free Countdown” will begin at 11 pm.

Cash Money’s Baby to Bet $5 Million on Super Bowl

(AllHipHop News) Cash Money’s Bryan “Baby” Williams has never been one to hide the fact that he likes to gamble and that he puts money on the big games.

This year’s Super Bowl is no different than last, as Birdman is again betting on arguably the world’s biggest and most highly televised championship game in sports.

Last year he had a $1 million on the Green Bay Packers, but this year Baby is uping the anti and putting $5 million on the big game, going with his “nephew,” Ben Jarvis Green-Ellis’ team, the New England Patriots.

“I like New ENGLaNd.my nephew play RB# 42.I’m Bet 5million 2 any niggaaa.like tha Giants YMCMB.BabyMoney anybody kan Getit,” Birdman tweeted from his account, @BIRDMAN5STAR.

The Super Bowl Kicks off on Sunday, February 5th, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Madonna is set to headline the halftime show.

Tickets to Lucas Oil Stadium for the 2007 Super Bowl rematch between the New England Patriots and the New York Giants are currently starting at $1,500.

Kid Cudi Vows To Trash Any Stage If Set Is Cut Short

(AllHipHop News) Rapper Kid Cudi took to his personal blog to reply to reports that he trashed a stage during a festival in Australia over the weekend.

Kid Cudi took responsibility for trashing the stage during the Heatwave Festival, after the sound man cut is set short by almost 30 minutes.

On his Cud Life blog, the rapper warned promoters that in the future, he would repeat the act, if his sets are cut short.

“If my set is EVER cut short at any show, im trashing the stage. Not out of anger, it takes a lot to get me furious nowadays, but out of principle,” Kid Cudi wrote on his blog. “The fans always deserve a full set at all shows, especially when they spend their hard earned money on expensive tickets. A lot of artist wouldnt do what I did in Australia, but I will.”

Kid Cudi, who has 367,864 fans on Twitter, also said that he would take it to the next level if there was any more unwanted interference with his shows.

“No matter the circumstance, cut my set short, im breaking s**t. And next time im startin a riot,” Kid Cudi promised. “Me and my fans. Cause promoters will sometime take advantage of the artists, and u gotta let em know what time it is. Cutting nobody any slack.”

Kid Cudi’s anger was a carryover from the Heatwave Music Festival, which took place in Melbourne over the weekend.

A series of operational problems left many fans enraged, while a number of headlining artists missed or canceled appearances, including D12 and Chamillionaire.

In related news, Kid Cudi and Chip Tha Ripper who together are known as The Almighty Gloryus, released their track “Gloryus.”

The track can be found on Chip Tha Ripper’s new mixtape “Tell Ya Friends.”

Check out Kid Cudi at The Heatwave Festival:

Big Boy Promotes New Film With “Exit Strategy” Of His Own

On February 10, the Michael Whitton-directed, independent urban-comedy, Exit Strategy, will hit theaters in limited release.

The film – starring Kevin Hart, L.A.’s Power 106FM radio personality Big Boy, Jameel Saleem, “QDeezy” Harris, and Kimelia Weathers – is a “laugh-out-loud, un-romantic comedy” being released by Ask Around Entertainment just in time for Valentine’s Day.

One of the film’s stars and executive producers, Big Boy, released a video earlier today (January 23) to help promote the film and the whole “exit strategy” state of mind.

Check out the film’s synopsis and what Big Boy has to say about his own personal relationship exit strategy story and some tips for those of you who want out below:

James (Jameel Saleem) gets evicted from his apartment and moves in with his girlfriend of three months Kim (Kimelia Weathers) and quickly discovers she’s everything he never wanted in a woman. He enlists best friends Carville (Quincy “QDeezy” Harris) and Leona (Noelle Balfour), plus high-schooler Scoop (NICK SINISE) and strangers Big Boy and Kevin Hart to find a relationship exit strategy; but for Kim, breaking up just isn’t an option.

Check out the film’s official trailer here.

Daily Word: Aim for Happy!!!

Happy Tuesday, my Talented and Tenacious!

Welcome to another day and another opportunity to get it right! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being happy! I don’t care what you thought your purpose was or what you thought life was about, but the truth is that we are all searching to be happy! Whether it is in our relationships, in our career, or within our social settings, our goal has always been and will always be a pursuit of happiness.

Some of us know this and accept this fact, while others are in denial that true happiness really exists! Some of us create happy now, while others are waiting for that magic moment! Stop being being others! Understand that whatever gives you joy is what you should be doing everyday of your life! We need to stop allowing fear to stop us from getting what we truly want! Happiness will always be the key to living an abundant life – never the opposite! Stop prolonging what is rightfully yours! Aim for Happy and Don’t Stop until You Get It!!

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” -Aristotle

“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.” -Anthony de Mello

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” -Epictetus

“It isn’t what you have, who you are, where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” -Dale Carnegie

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” -Frederick Keonig

“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” -Hugh Downs

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” -Herman Cain

“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.” -Agnes Repplier


Ash’Cash is a Business Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Financial Expert and the author of Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Laws of Financial Freedom. For more information, please visit his website, www.IamAshCash.com.

Hip-Hop Rumors: Is Diddy Launching His Own Music Channel???!!!

Sean “Diddy” Combs is making good use out of that Ciroc money and launching his very own music-themed cable network at the end of the year.  Sources are  reporting that Diddy will try to capture the essence of the “old MTV” with the unveiling of  “Revolt” on 12/12/12.

The network will be geared toward African Americans, and reports are saying that it will be distributed by Comcast and Time Warner Cable.

Diddy is heading into Oprah territory with this one. The concept of the old MTV sounds good to me. As long as he doesn’t use this network as a platform to film another “I Wanna Work For Diddy” or “Making the Band” reality show, I’ll be tuning in!

Occupy Newark Protesters Hope to End Homelessness

(AllHipHop News) “We are the 99%!”  Occupy Wall Street could very well be one of the most important protests of Americans’ lifetimes, as well as one of the most confusing. Many people are bewildered about what exactly the movement stands for; after all, it has no public leader and no demands. 

The average person seems to think that it’s just a gathering of people camping out in both public and private parks around the nation. I must admit, up until recently, I was one of those people; until I got the opportunity to visit Occupy Newark and speak with some of the very passionate people participating in the movement.

Occupy Newark began on November 18, 2011, in Military Park in downtown Newark, New Jersey.  The movement is peaceful and nonviolent. The park currently has about 30 tents that have been locked in position for almost three months, with occupants coming from all over the nation to participate. 

Like the Occupy Wall Street movement, Occupy Newark’s goal is to  raise awareness regarding corporate greed and corruption, as well as social and economic inequality and the high unemployment rate.  One issue that makes them stand out from other Occupy movements is their commitment to solving the homelessness problem that plagues the city of Newark.

Take a look at the video below to hear some of the Newark Occupiers speak about what they would like President Barack Obama to say about their movement during tonight’s State of the Union Address, as well as what they would like to accomplish by participating in Occupy Newark:

During President Barack Obama’s address tonight, AllHipHop.com, The League Of Young Voters Education Fund, and Rock The Vote will host the 2nd Annual #BarackTalk, a State of the Union roundtable discussion and watch party.

The event will feature a series of panel discussions about the biggest issues facing the young generation and will broadcast live from Busboys and Poets in Washington, D.C. at 7:30 p.m. EST.

Be sure to tune in right here on www.AllHipHop.com or www.BarackTalk.com, and please feel free to tweet questions or leave comments about the discussion at @theleague99.