
Hip-Hop Rumors: Swizz Beatz Gets Kanye, Diddy and Will.i.am In Trouble??!!!

Swizz Beatz is reportedly getting his celebrity friends in hot water with their music label over their participation in a promo video for his website Mega-Upload. Wow, who knew Swizz was involved with Mega-Upload???

Apparently, Swizzy is the CEO of the file sharing site that allows people to easily share large media files. The catch is, lots of people use Mega-Upload to share stolen music and the music industry has been fighting against file sharing, accusing the services Mega-Upload offers of supporting piracy.

The NY Post’s Page Six is reporting that Swizzy convinced Diddy, Kanye West, and Will.i.am into promoting Mega-Upload by appearing in a “Mega Song” video promoting the site’s file sharing capabilities. Universal Music Group didn’t like that too much, and they issued a “take-down notice” to YouTube, saying the artists’ performances were unauthorized.

Check out the “Mega Upload” video below:

Mega-Upload fired back with a lawsuit against Universal to stop it from blocking distribution of the video. A Mega rep told Page Six: “We have never received any word that any artist has [individually] filed a take-down . . . [we have] legally binding agreements with the performers that appear in the video . . . They promised that they had the rights to enter into that agreement and it’s not interfering with any third-party rights.”’

If Diddy, Kanye and Will.I.Am participated in the video of there own free will, does the label have the right to sue Mega-Upload for using their likeness? The Mega-Upload song is cool too, very catchy!

Source: NY Post

Ryan Leslie Creates “5 Minute Freshen Up” Track With The Support Of Fans

Although the track has been done for a while, a video was released today (January 18) featuring producer, singer, and rapper Ryan Leslie creating one of his new songs from scratch, entitled “5 Minute Freshen Up.”

The following message came attached to the video from Leslie himself: “Follow @RyanLeslie because I’m always surprising followers. I’ve invited you to dinner, given away backstage passes, and even treated you to brand new iPods – all to say that I appreciate you for following, supporting, liking, commenting and sharing.”

The highlight of the video, in addition to its exclusive access, is Leslie’s spur of the moment idea to invite a fan of his to the studio via Twitter and watch the recording process of his new track. After picking her up in his Lamborghini, Leslie proceeds to let her and her friends party in the studio to “5 Minute Freshen Up.”

Check out the video below:

Check out AllHipHop.com’s most recent interview with Ryan Leslie HERE.

Hip-Hop Rumors: Lil Wayne Brawls With Dallas Cowboy At Nightclub????

That’s the word according to the Miami Times News, who’s reporting that Weezy got into a little brawl with Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant over the weekend at Club Liv. The following updates have been coming in throughout the day:

Beach police have no incident reports from the fight, but a source tells a Herald reporter that Lil’ Wayne was involved. The fight happened inside the Fontainebleau’s LIV, the station reports, but details are otherwise sketchy about the altercation. For now, WFAA reports that Bryant was at LIV on Sunday night when he clashed with the unnamed rapper’s “entourage.

“The Dallas Morning News writes that the fight started over someone mocking Bryant about a subpar season and a mounting personal debt crisis. Either way, Bryant’s mentor David Wells tells WFAA that the wide receiver wasn’t arrested in the incident.”

MBPD apparently has no record of Bryant being detained on Sunday at the Fontainebleau. There was a bit of a melee outside LIV that night with a drunk patron striking a security guard in the chest and a crowd swarming to watch the fight, according to a police report, but Bryant isn’t mentioned in the paperwork.”

Source: Miami New Times

AllHipHop.com, The League of Young Voters & Rock The Vote To Host “Barack Talk” in D.C.

(AllHipHop News) 2012 is a pivotal year for politics and discussing hot-button issues that affect all Americans.

On Tuesday, January 24, AllHipHop.com will partner with national non-profit organization, The League Of Young Voters Education Fund and Rock The Vote for the second annual #BarackTalk, a State of the Union round table discussion and watch party. The event will broadcast live from Busboys and Poets, one of our capitol’s cultural hotspots, at 5th and K in Washington, D.C. at 7:30 p.m. EST.

#BarackTalk will kick off with a series of panel discussions about the biggest issues facing Millennial before the 2012 presidential election. The party begins when President Barack Obama starts his fourth State of the Union address, and will conclude with analysis and discussion by some of the best and brightest minds in entertainment and politics.

Panelists include Goldie Taylor, leading news correspondent at TheGrio.com (MSNBC); Chuck Creekmur, influential urban entertainment journalist and co-founder of AllHipHop.com; Andreas Hale of TheWellVersed.com; rappers Dee-1 and Rhymefest; Shaheem Reid of Editor-At-Large of XXL; and Michael Skolnick, Political Director of GlobalGrind.com.

During the #BarackTalk discussions, participants are encouraged to engage directly with panelists by asking questions via Ustream at www.BarackTalk.com and LYVEF’s Twitter handle, @TheLeague99. Viewers asking questions on Twitter are encouraged to use the hashtag #BarackTalk.

In 2011, the first #BarackTalk State of the Union Event went viral, with the #BarackTalk Twitter hashtag trending locally in Washington, D.C. and New Orleans, LA.

As an ongoing mission, the League of Young Voters Education Fund and AllHipHop.com are working to promote civic engagement among young, urban minorities throughout the 2012 presidential election.

Check back for more stories and details on Barack Talk from now until Tuesday. For more information on the State of the Union viewing event and all details surrounding the President’s address, please visit www.BarackTalk.com.

Problem: The Compton Spitter Is Prepared, Determined, And Ready To Shine

“Born in Germany, and raised in Compton” is one of the first things that catches your eye when you read 26-year-old rapper Problem’s biography. No stranger to the music industry, Problem has already written, co-produced, and worked with such icons as Snoop Dogg, Kanye West, John Legend, and DJ Quik while releasing two hit singles of his own, 2008’s “I’m Toe Up” and the currently in rotation, “Last Love.”

The trials and tribulations that he has experienced throughout his career have helped Problem fine-tune his craft and cultivate diversity in both his sound and music. Now, in 2012, Problem is ready to go “all-in” and provide his fans with music that is mature, unique, and well-rounded, all while never forgetting his roots or where he comes from.

AllHipHop.com spoke to the newly-anointed Breeding Ground artist, Problem, about his come-up in Compton, his prior signing to Universal Records, what the Diamond Lane Music Group brand means, and what fans can expect from his upcoming album Plan B.

AllHipHop.com: What’s going on, Problem? How you feeling?

Problem: Blessed, man.

AllHipHop.com: The first thing I want to ask you about is “born in Germany, raised in Compton.” Can you elaborate on that a little bit?

Problem: Yeah, my dad was in the service, and my mom and dad were married at the time, so I was over there for the first year of my life.

AllHipHop.com: But you would consider yourself 100 percent West Coast right?

Problem: 354 percent to be honest with you [laughter].

AllHipHop.com: Fair enough. Right now, your single “Last Love” has been climbing the charts, so I want to ask you about how you’ve matured as an artist since the first time a lot of people heard you a few years ago – which was on your song, “I’m F*cked Up.”

Problem: The crazy thing is that with both records, they were made randomly. The plan wasn’t to make a big club record or a radio-friendly song; they were just based on the emotions I was going through when I did the records. I mean, it’s an obvious growth in my work, but I’m still both of those people you know what I mean? I’ve been through relationship issues, but I party and get f*cked up.

Myself and the label felt like “Last Love” was the perfect way to show that the new music I’m going to be doing is going to be bigger, and maybe not as melodic, but I’m going to show that I do sing a little bit. Not Drake-ish, ‘cause I don’t want to be in nobody’s bracket, but just to show all of the talents that I do have.

AllHipHop.com: I know that throughout your career you’ve dropped seven mixtapes and previously had a deal with Universal. Can you speak on that situation, and how that led into your affiliation with Diamond Lane Music Group?

Problem: When I signed to Universal, I got a two single deal because of the “I’m F*cked Up” record. I can say that what happened over there wasn’t there fault or my fault. It was just a lack of knowledge and not knowing the business and what I was supposed to do as an artist to push my own project.

I got the deal and did what every rapper that gets a deal does: gets the money, gets excited, tells everybody, and waits on the label to take everything into full gear and full blast. That didn’t happen. I can honestly say that I stopped so it wasn’t their fault or anybody’s fault why our marriage didn’t work but I love the fact that I even had a deal with Universal ‘cause a lot of rappers can’t say that so I’m appreciative.

As far as Diamond Lane, that’s my team, my squad, my family, and we just decided to do a music company. These are people I’ve been running with and doing things with for the last 20 years. My boy Fast Lane, the CEO, he said ‘you’ve got too much talent and too much know-how for us to not formulate together and try to push this thing over the top.’

AllHipHop.com: So, since you have dealt with a major label, and now you’re on a more independent route, how different would you say the two platforms are? Are you happier with your career now then you were before?

Problem: I’m much happier with the structure. Diamond Lane Music Group is ran like, if not more sufficiently, than a major label. We the homies when we leave the office but it’s real business oriented in the bigger picture. My friend is now my boss and I have no problem with that. He has my best interests at heart, and I have his, so it is better ‘cause I think he wakes up everyday thinking about the same thing I wake up thinking about – getting it to the next level. It’s dope. I’m having a f*cking ball right now!

AllHipHop.com: That’s all that really matters. Right now, “Last Love” is doing it’s thing on the charts and it’s supposed to be the first single off your new album Plan B due later this year. I have to ask, what happened to “Plan A”?

Problem: [laughter] Ok. The last project I put out was called Hotels, and it’s on iTunes right now, so you can go pick that up. I did a tape called My L.A. Leaker Tape prior to that, and it was my rap sh*t that I wanted to get off, and I was just wrapping the whole thing and going crazy. Then I have another set of fans with the ladies and the clubs and the streets, so the Hotels tape was kind of for that. So, my next project is Plan B ‘cause I asked myself what would I need after I left the hotel; my reckless ass needs some Plan B [laughing]. That’s where the title Plan B comes from.

AllHipHop.com: Tell me a little about Plan B. I know that the album is slated to drop sometime this year, but is there a more concrete date than that right now?

Problem: I actually just received the release date two days ago, and we’re shooting for March 6. Musically, I want the people that have been riding with me to expect the growth, and I’m finally to the point where I’m comfortable with being me, and when I say being me, I wrote and produced for a lot of people, and I couldn’t give them my most creative music because maybe I didn’t feel I was ready to do and say the things that I can watch somebody else say. Now, all that sh*t is out the window.

This is going to be a story. You’re gonna understand me, the trials and tribulations I go through as far as with my kids, my baby moms, my growing up, being from Compton but not wanting to be “that guy,” the party me. You’re going to get all of me, so it has to be on a historic platform. It’s going to be a crazy ride, and I just hope that everybody understands it and loves it, ‘cause I’m putting my all into this motherf*cker.

AllHipHop.com: Can your fans and listeners expect to hear anybody on the album that you’ve worked and collaborated with in the past, or is this a strictly Problem album in every sense?

Problem: It’s more of a Diamond Lane project. With this being one of the first major projects we’re about to put out, I’m really gonna set the standard for the brand. No sh*tty mixes, this is a store-bought quality album for me. I’m going to bring back the skits and the acting. Bad Lucc is all over it ‘cause he’s part of Diamond Lane Music Group.

Be ready for this. It’s insane; I’m telling you it’s crazy. It’s real in-house, League Of Starz produced on it, Tone Bone, my manager. I have a few records with a few notable people, but I don’t know if they’re going to make the record just yet, but you will all hear them anyway.

AllHipHop.com: Are there any plans to drop another mixtape before the album comes out?

Problem: I mean, I want to just because I’m an artist and I want people to have more music, but I’m fighting with my CEO, Fast Lane, on it because he ain’t going for that sh*t [Laughing]. I record so much and the fact that I record myself in my sessions, I have so much music and I want to get it out there.

AllHipHop.com: As a fan first and as someone who’s been around the industry for awhile, what was it like for you to be from Compton and get to work with artists like Snoop Dogg and Kurupt and DJ Quik while you were coming up?

Problem: Man, that sh*t was everything to me and more. It’s like being a kid and getting to meet Superman or Batman, for real. It’s like a “what the f*ck” moment and the fact that they embraced me as if I was one of them, for so long, it’s like a dream come true. I’ve had DJ Quik stop by my Auntie’s house in Compton just to pee [Laughing].

It’s crazy, just crazy the fact that they even know who I am was enough for me but then when they let me work and give my insight, like ‘who gives a sh*t about me’, you guys are platinum selling artists, that’ll boost the next man’s ego. To me it as like, I just have to soak in what they’re doing and get in, and we still talk to this day. They’re all rooting for me and if they ever need anything from me they’re going to get it.

AllHipHop.com: That’s truly awesome. What are your thoughts on the new guys coming up and the “New West?” What do you guys offer now that hasn’t been offered in the past?

Problem: To quote Dr. Dre, we the “next episode.” We’re spawning off of that and I honestly don’t think that the story is going to change; it’s just the way it’s told. Lebron James didn’t invent the dunk; Dr. J did and was the dunker. It’s just a different way of telling it and a different time, like they came up in a time when that whole West Coast, boom-bap era, gangbanging, crack, and the music was that. That’s why it was so edgy and so gritty, but that’s not what’s going on right now. This is the pill era and the sex era, there’s a whole lot of different stuff to talk about but it’s still all West Coast.

AllHipHop.com: Being that it is January, what are some of the goals you’ve set for yourself for this year? What are you striving to achieve in 2012?

Problem: By the end of 2012, I’m striving for Diamond Lane Music Group to be placed up there with the Cash Moneys, the Interscopes, that’s the goal I’m setting. I want Plan B to sell 30,000 copies this year, that’s my goal. I want Diamond Lane to be in everybody’s face. It’s not a “me thing;” it’s a “we thing.” This Diamond Lane sh*t is a movement – it’s not a record company, it’s not the streets, this is a way of life. Diamond Lane is really about smashing your goals, being a part of this life, and wanting to do better.

AllHipHop.com: Wrapping up, is there anything else you want the fans, readers, and your listeners to know?

Problem: I want everybody to know that another goal of mine is to make everybody catch up. I want them to go back and find all the stuff I did and be like, “g#######.” I didn’t just come out of nowhere this has been a grind.

AllHipHop.com: Great. Thanks for your time, Problem.

Problem: Thank you! Keep f*cking with me!

For More Information, Visit www.DiamondLaneMusicGroup.com

Follow Problem On Twitter: @ItsAProblem

Hip-Hop Rumors: Monica Collaborating With Amber Rose?

Last night Amber Rose tweeted a photo of herself and Monica in the studio together in NYC. They could have just been chillin’, but being that both lovely ladies are working on finishing up their albums, perhaps they could be working on a duet?? Only time will tell.

In related news, Wiz Khalifa was recently in the studio with Chris Brown and Adam Levine of Maroon 5, possibly working on Wiz’s upcoming second album O.N.I.F.C. That’s a great look for Wiz. Check out a twitpic from the studio below.

President Obama Stops SOPA Piracy Bill

(AllHipHop News) President Obama has taken a stance against SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), a bill that would allow the justice department to force Internet providers and search engines to block all sites accused of copyright infringement.

For now, it appears that President Obama has stalled the controversial legislation. Read the details according to Forbes.com:

“The growing anti-SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) support that has swept through the gaming and Internet community found a very big ally today. With websites like Reddit and Wikipedia and gaming organizations like Major League Gaming prepared for a blackout on January 18th – the same day that the House Judiciary Committee hearing on HR 3261was scheduled in Washington, D.C. – President Barack Obama has stepped in and said he would not support the bill.

SOPA has been delayed, for now. The House has agreed to revisit the issue next month, but they now know the White House will veto any bill that’s not more narrowly focused.

Much to the chagrin of Hollywood, the Entertainment Software Association (which has been a backer of the bill from early on), and Internet domain company GoDaddy.com (which lost many accounts as a result of its support for the bill); SOPA has been shelved. The Motion Picture Association of America, one of the bill’s largest sponsors, is expected to regroup.”

Contributor: Xaviera. Follow her on Twitter at @MsXaviB.

Singer Bruno Mars Cleared of Drug Possession Charges

(AllHipHop News) A Las Vegas judge dismissed his cocaine possession charge stemming from his 2010 arrest.

In September of 2010, Bruno Mars (born Peter Gene Hernandez) was arrested for drug possession following a concert at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. He later plead guilty to having 2.6 grams of cocaine.

Since then, Mars has been on good behavior, completing his probation and 230 hours of community service. He also paid a $2,000 fine and participated in eight hours of drug counseling.

Mars’ lawyer, Blair Berk, told TMZ, “Bruno earned the dismissal of his charge. He exceeded the expectations of the court in both his service to the community and his counseling.”

Judge Jessie Walsh agreed and dismissed the charges against the pop star.

Contributor: Xaviera (@MsXaviB)

Hip-Hop Rumors: Azealia Banks Signs With Universal Music!!!

2012 is wasting no time trying to one-up 2011 with the major label signings of buzzing artists. Last year, we saw Kreayshawn make $1 million in one of the biggest busts of a deal for a label, then A$AP Rocky cashed in a rumored $3 million from RCA. (He’s actually been one of the more consistent rappers out there as of late, though.)

Then, last week, it was rumored that Australia native Iggy Azalea had landed a deal at Def Jam, which was pretty much confirmed by her tweets, as well as those of A&Rs at the label. Now we have word from Harlem’s own Azealia Banks that she just inked a deal with Universal Music!

Check out the tweets below, and congratulations to Ms. Banks, a.k.a. Kanye’s Twitter pal! We’re rooting for you!

Common Takes His “The Dreamer,The Believer” Listening Tour to Dallas

(AllHipHop News) Last night (January 17) as part of his The Dreamer/ The Believer promotional run, Common gave an impromptu performance, as he hosted a private listening session at Privae, an upscale lounge just north of downtown Dallas.

Entitled the “Common Play Back”, in association with Grey Goose, X Rated Fusion Liqueor, Dallas’ K104, and 97.9 The Beat, tastemakers were treated to freestyles and an in-depth introspective of Common’s most recent work.

With Virdiko’s big daddie THE DJ at the helm, the Grey Goose and X Rated Fusion Liqueor flowed as Common hosted the intimate listening session, going through several of the songs on his new album, giving explanations of each song, and rapping along the acclaimed project produced entirely by No I.D.

Highlights from the listening session included Common rapping over “South Dallas Swag” beats – more specifically, over T Cash’s “Spread Ya Legs.” Common also spoke about his love for Maya Angelou as his mentor, and his love of Hip-Hop music and culture. Common brought every bit of Chi-Town to Dallas, as he embraced the crowd. Take a look some of the pictures below. Photo credit: Sonny Digital

SantiGold Returns With “Big Mouth”

Philadelphia-bred, Brooklyn resident Santigold is back finally.

The alt-pop siren has released a new song called “Big Mouth,” which is the first release from her upcoming album Master Of My Make Believe. MOMMB is the follow up to the singer’s 2002 self-titled debut. “Big Mouth” was released with a frenetic animated video. The colorful short even seems to have a Lady GaGa diss included.

Master Of My Make Believe is due in the spring of 2012 on Downtown Records.

Ski Beatz Announces Collaborative LP with Freddie Gibbs in the Works

(AllHipHop News) It seems like Gary, Indiana’s Freddie Gibbs never stops working.

After releasing A Cold Day in Hell and Lord Giveth, Lord Taketh Away and a looming project with Madlib, Freddie is as focused as ever.

Now just to tip the scale, Freddie has joined forces with Ski Beatz, on a collaborative LP, yet to be titled.

“Skibeatz Freddie Gibbs lp in the works…. just thought i would throw that out there…” Ski Beatz Tweeted from his Twitter account

Fresh off the adidas sponsored Love and Hip-Hop tour with Tabi Bonney and Murs, Ski Beatz has been back in the lab working on his new project, 24 Hour Karate School Presents Twilight.

Ski recently released the Curren$y assisted video for “Fly By,” featured below, which can be found on Ski Beatz album, 24 Hour Karate School Presents Twilight set to hit stores February 14, 2012.

SKI BEATZ FEAT. CURREN$Y – FLY BY from DD172 on Vimeo.

Mike Posner Releases Acoustic Cover Of Rick Ross’ “Stay Schemin”

R&B singer Mike Posner, whose soulful sound is a bi-product of his love for Hip-Hop, released a video featuring an acoustic cover of the new single from Rick Ross’ mixtape, Rich Forever.

The track, “Stay Schemin,” originally features rappers French Montana and Drake and has made a big splash on both the Internet and radio since its release. However, French and Drake do not appear on this version of the song as you will see below, but Posner friend and guitar player, Blackbear, does.

Regarding how the “Stay Schemin” interpretation came to fruition, Posner exclusively told AllHipHop.com: “I was in Miami the last two weeks working with Pharrell, and after I would finish recording, I would kick it with Rozay at his crib. Rick [Ross], French [Montana], and I went to the club one night in Miami, and I saw the reaction people had to “Stay Schemin”, even though it had only been out for a day. That made me fall in love with the song, and I knew Blackbear and I could put a fresh spin on it.”

“Shout outs to Pharrell for letting me borrow his keyboard in the making of,” he continued, while laughing.

Check out the video of Mike Posner and Blackbear’s acoustic cover of “Stay Schemin” below and download a free version of the song here.

Hip-Hop Rumors: Jay-Z Never Swore Off The Word B*tch!!??

News and reports have swirled for the past week about newly anointed father, Jay-Z, swearing off the word “b*tch” now that he has a daughter in the sure-to-be-beautiful, Blue Ivy Carter.

Well, that’s not exactly the case according to representatives for the father, rapper, and mogul, who recently reopened the New York location of his 40/40 Club.

Via Billboard: “The first publication to report the poem’s existence, Rolling Out, cites no publication source for the poem and could not be reached for comment. Sources close to the rapper have declined to confirm or deny its authenticity. “

And according to The Daily News, Jay-Z told the newspaper directly that “the poem and story are fake.”


Action Bronson, A$AP Rocky, Mac Miller, And Others Added To Bamboozle Festival Lineup

(AllHipHop News) The 2012 Bamboozle Festival has announced the addition of a number of emerging and buzzing Hip-Hop artists to its three-day lineup, which takes place from May 18-20.

This year’s Bamboozle Festival will also serve as the 10th anniversary celebration for the concert series, which has switched locations between Asbury Park and the Meadowlands in New Jersey since its inception in 2003.

Musicians Action Bronson, Outasight, Riff Raff, Mike Posner, Mac Miller, Kreayshawn, A$AP Rocky, and world-renowned artist David Garibaldi will perform and make appearances at this year’s festival, with a number of artists yet to be revealed.

The Bamboozle Festival, which is primarily a Rock, Punk, and Pop-based event, has ramped up its outreach to Hip-Hop artists to help expand the festival’s brand. Artists such as Snoop Dogg, Method Man, and Lil Wayne have all either performed or headlined the festival in the past.

2012’s main acts are primarily Rock, with the likes of Bon Jovi, Foo Fighters, Blink 182, and Incubus headlining the three-day bill.

Tickets are available now at www.Bamboozle.com.

Swatch Releases Gents Originals “Olympic Games” Collection Watches

Switzerland based watch maker Swatch has announced a new collection of sports-inspired watches, the Gents Originals – Olympic Games Collection.

Swatch said the watches were created with “one eye on fashion and the other on the upcoming London 2012 Olympic Games.” They added that the wristwear will “merge pro-sport aesthetics and a classic London design.

“The designers have given a nod both to British fashion’s mod heritage and the London 2012 Olympic Games logo by means of a two-toned palette.”

The watches have already caught the eye of Hip-Hop artist Jadakiss, who recently tweeted information about them to his over 400,000 followers and encouraged them to check them out.

Via SoRaspy.com

Exclusive: Legal War Breaks Out Over Yung Joc

(AllHipHop News)An Atlanta music company has filed a lawsuit against Yung Joc and Block Enterprises, claiming legal control over the rapper’s career.

Master Mind Music Inc. filed a lawsuit against Yung Joc and Block Enterprises in United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia on January 17.

The lawsuit claims that Yung Joc signed an artist development and exclusive recording agreement with Master Mind Music in February of 2005.

Under the deal that Yung Joc signed, each record that was created by the rapper during the duration of the deal, was to be the property of Master Mind Music.

Master Mind Music also reserved the exclusive right to copyright the recordings of Yung Joc in its own name.

In addition to administrative rights, the lawsuit claims that Master Mind Music was entitled to co-ownership of all of Yung Joc recordings, in addition to a 50% share of Yung Joc’s publishing during the term of the agreement.

The lawsuit claims that Master Mind Music helped with the recording and eventual release of Yung Joc’s debut album Hustlenomics, which contained the rapper’s biggest single “Coffee Shop.”

Around October of 2005, Master Mind Music linked with Block Enterprises, in order to place Yung Joc on the Bad Boy/Atlantic Records record label.

The lawsuit claims that Block Enterprises presented Yung Joc as its sole artist, effectively cutting Master Mind Music out of the deal.

The lawsuit also claims the Block Enterprises illegally granted copyright interest in Yung Joc’s recordings to Bad Boy.

“Block knew or should have known that he did not have the rights to the artists’ exclusive recording services which he purportedly granted to Bad Boy/Atlantic,” the complaint reads. “Further, Block never subsequently acquired those rights from Master Mind.”

According to Master Mind Music’s lawsuit, Yung Joc debut album for Bad Boy, New Jock City, sold over 1 million copies and contained the single “It’s Goin Down.”

Master Mind Music claim that Block Enterprises didn’t have the authority to distribute Yung Joc’s master recordings.

Master Mind Music is suing for copyright infringement, breach of contract, torturous interference with contractual relations, fraudulent misrepresentation, and fraud.

Check out a copy of the lawsuit below: