Puablo15 is an Oakland Underground Legend.

The mid-thirties rapper says at this point he’s having fun with his music and not competing with the up & coming younger artists

Some will argue that Puablo15 started a lot of trends that rappers are going viral within 2022. Songs like “ Ghetto like you”https://youtu.be/DvQc9H82UDk  (9 years ago) & “Finessing 101” https://youtu.be/galPJOfI8aQ ( 6 years ago) “I think my baby’s a thot” https://youtu.be/LNVUFD5xEUo  (6 years old) was before there time, being that the songs were made years before apps like TikTok was even thought of, Lately Puablo15 has been going viral on the app for his old catchy songs. 

He also dropped a new album “Petty Grammers” this Year that has been getting great reviews on multiple platforms. Which has hits “The Puablo Show” https://youtu.be/fPyzxZvgQro “Trick U” https://youtu.be/py5wUmtGfug  “Stylin on em” https://youtu.be/2mdbHwVWk9s 

The mid-thirties rapper says at this point he’s having fun with his music and not competing with the up & coming younger artists, rather playing the big brother or uncle role also mentor, giving advice when needed without sounding like He’s preaching, Puablo15 has been making great property investments and just started a trucking business, Runs his own film company Dahoodnerds LLC.

Hopefully, we can give this legend his flowers now. 

Twitter: @iampuablo15

Instagram: @iampuablo15