Funk Fest 2014 Hits Atlanta

Funk Fest 2014 hit Atlanta this past weekend in celebration of its 20th anniversary. The concert series made its second stop in Atlanta to celebrate with a two-day concert at Wolf Creek Amphitheater. The festival attracts music enthusiasts from across the U.S. You never know who will be backstage either! The Atlanta Funk Fest showcased […]

Owning It:'s Interview With Mack Wilds

[twitter-follow screen_name=’AllHipHopcom’][twitter-follow screen_name=’SkyyhookRadio’] Very seldom do we see artists and say, “This guy is about to blow” but this time there is an exception! Mack Wilds has been making the rounds during a recent media blitz for his new album that drops next Tuesday the 17th of September and we got a front row seat […]