Daily Word: Cast the First Stone!!

Happy Thursday my imperfect creatures of undeniable greatness! Welcome to the best day of the rest of your life and the day you take full control of YOU! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to judgement! They say he or she without sin should cast the first stone… They also say don’t throw stones if you […]

Daily Word: Be Comfortably Uncomfortable!!

Happy Monday my prosperous beings of growth! Welcome to the best week of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being comfortably uncomfortable! I once heard that life is like a mother giving birth…. She is very uncomfortable but through that painful experience she brings forth the greatest accomplishment — the […]

Daily Word: Be AbNOrMal!!

Happy Monday my weird and out of place! Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life and the day you finally realize that being YOU is the best and only way to truly be happy! Today’s Daily Word is to being abnormal! In today’s society we put such an emphasis on being normal […]

Daily Word: Create Your Balance!!

TGI….Everyday! Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life and the end of a wonderful week! We had our highs, we certainly had our lows, but we are here to see another day so all is good! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Creating your balance! Mark Twain once eloquently asked “What is […]

Daily Word: Justice was Served!!

Happy Monday my changers of circumstance! Welcome to the day we begin to become the change we would like to see in the world! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to taking action against injustice! First and foremost my thoughts and prayers go out to the Martin family for their lost and what most of us […]