Title Fight: Wiz Khalifa (Blacc Hollywood) vs Travi$ Scott (Days Before Rodeo)

Whether you’re finessin’ to or blowing on KK, you’ve  probably heard one of these albums that’s dropped last week. Wiz Khalifa released his highly anticipated third album Black Hollywood, following Grand Hustle signee and GOOD Beats producer Travi$ Scott’s free album Days Before Rodeo. Both projects have been sought out by fans and music lovers alike, but […]

AHH Concert Review: Juicy J ‘Never Sober’ Tour

Last night, Juicy J’s ‘Never Sober’ tour, was welcomed to New York City’s, Irving Plaza. New-Harlem native, Vinny Cha$e, was an “impromptu” replacement for Travis Scott. Challenged with igniting the gathering crowd’s interest, Cha$e, performed sans his signature Chanel ski-mask. From indifferent side-eyeing to a lackadaisical response from Vinny’s insistence to, ‘Ball, Ball,” the hometown […]