The COMPASS trade show features the cream of crop when it comes to footwear. In its fourth season now, the show was launched by BPMW – the same fashion agency who brings us the fresh (capsule) show. Kiki got a chance to walk the show today, which took place in NYC’s Puck Building. Many top brands from and showed off their goods, such as Rubber Duck, Diesel, Punkrose and more. See highlights from the show below: Doc Martens continue to be revamped with new funky and innovative designs – and we’re actually considering purchasing the line to sell on!
What do you think? The brand displayed their signature yellow stitching in a collection of classic boots as well as those with floral prints, polka dots, metallic finishes and more.
Check out this guy in the Abington Collection by Timberland booth, constructing leather slippers right then and there:
Diesel had a wide variety of footwear, including sneakers, classic boot styles as well as more futuristic looking ones:
A fairly new brand on, Rubber Duck is introducing new interesting looks like a furry leopard print, knit fabrics, camouflage and much more:
Punkrose is staying true to that edgy, glamorous rock chic style with sequin and studded kicks
We came across a brand called Native, which at first sight look like Crocs for stylish grown ups. Unlike of those clownish creations, Native utilized rubber material in dope sneaker and boot designs:
Gourmet showed up with some clean styles, and a few more “out there” looks:
Are you feeling it? Overall it seems that footwear, like clothing, is growing up in a sense. Classics are being revamped with new detailing and fabrics, and high quality materials are being used in creative ways. It seems like the line between sneakers, boots, boat shoes and other styles are becoming blurry, as brands mesh different styles together. Boots are huge across the board, from duck to combat and biker inspired. The most prominent trend in this arena is definitely that vintage, rugged and worn in work wear style in shades of brown, grey, burgundy, and of course black. As Women’s Wear Daily reported, men’s runways were dominated by boots in both Milan and Paris this month. “It was an amazing season for footwear,” said Michael Fisher, men’s editor for forecasting firm Stylesight. “Almost every (pair) of pants were tucked into boots. It really leads to an opening for footwear to be the main theatrical element of the collections.”