Is Hip Hop A Culture?

While attending a symposium entitled, The Business of Show, which explored cultural images of Blacks in media, a simple but profound question was asked. Tim Reid and his wife Daphne Maxwell Reid, hosts of the symposium, owners of News Millennium Studios and stars of such shows Sister, Sister and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air […]

Is UPN’s Platinum Worth Anything?

After viewing UPN’s hip-hop drama "Platinum" it’s apparent that the producers and writers have created a show based on focusing on the worst elements of hip-hop. Its gangsterism, misogny, violence, and brutality. The "Platinum" premiere episode highlighted the violence and ignorance in hip-hop that has become synonymous with young people and black culture. "Platinum" producers […]

Art vs. The Artist

In recent weeks the rap news sites have been filled with the Hip Hop drama. It might be the latest F.B.I. investigating Murder Inc., it be about 50 Cent or Eminem’s issues with Ja rule and other rappers PERSONAL exploits. Today these things have become more newsworthy than that ART itself. It now totally overrides […]

Big Hats, Bigger Hate

What the hell… Ok, no. really, what the hell is going on with these damned big hats? Now you’re saying to yourself, “Hey, Jean…pray tell, what big hats?” Then I’m all, “You know.” Then you’re all, “No, we don’t know! Please, please tell us.” Then I’m all, “Well, if you insist.” Listen, either there are […]

Killers On The Payroll

Well, here we are. Bombs are dropping, the dying has started, and our country of ignorant, blind allegiance-pledging sheep has sanctioned yet another massacre for profit in the name of “liberating the oppressed.” Never mind the fact that millions of people spoke out against our non-elected Commander-in-Chief’s hell-bent course of action, or that Chief Weapons […]