18. Disses Gay Blogger Perez Hilton

Back in 2010, 50 Cent fired off a series of tweets that drew the scorn of celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton. The rap star took to his Twitter page to aim at Perez Hilton, who labeled 50 Cent a “d##### bag” in a tweet. 50 Cent addressed the issue when he jokingly tweeted that he had a friend shoot up a gay wedding, along with a link to a picture of people fleeing a tragic scene. Hilton immediately noticed the tweets and replied. “50 Cent joking about violence towards gays is about as expired as the days when he used to be musically relevant.” 50 replied that he wasn’t scared of the “pink mafia,” an alleged underground powerful group of gay Hollywood movers and shakers. The rapper posted another link to a man on a subway doing a split with the quotation: “You’re dead 50! Dead! We are looking for your a##!” 50 Cent then urged Hilton to calm down. “Stop being so sensitive its a joke,” 50 Cent tweeted. “Your acting like a big baby have a nice day…And my next song will make your sweet a## dance lol chill out.”