Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith

Hip-Hop is full of beautiful people and things. And its big brother, Hollywood has probably double the number of gorgeous people and things than the rap world. So what happens when those worlds collide? You get Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. Hip-Hop and Hollywood’s most beautiful couple. But in addition to being beautiful, the nice rapper from Philly and that rowdy girl from “A Different World” have somehow stayed stuck in their 1990’s picture-perfect realities.

For some, all they know is Will and Jada as a couple — looking just like they look now. No one is shocked that August Alsina was all twisted up in an entanglement with J Pizzy, she is drop-dead gorgeous and looks younger than him. Just as no one is shocked that the Fresh Prince at the reunion still looked like he could wear those pastel clothes he used to rock when he lived in Bel Aire (Dark Aunt Viv looked mad young too). What does shock everyone is how when standing next to their kids, you can’t tell who are the adults? What steps past shock and leaves us all in astounding admiration is how Gram, Jada’s mom, is every bit as young-looking as her daughter and granddaughter Willow. There is something in that punch over there and it seems to be rooted in an uncommon love for each other, a disciplined lifestyle dedicated to self-discovery, and folk that just are plain happy with themselves. We love The Smiths.