Dropping Pounds With Cipha Sounds: Before And After

Well, here we are… The final Fat Smash entry.  I want to keep it going, but they said I look to good now… Ha! I kid, I kid.   To be honest with you, it never ever really stops. It’s a constant battle to eat healthy and exercise and do the right thing.    The […]

Well, here we are… The final Fat Smash

entry.  I want to keep it going, but they

said I look to good now… Ha! I kid, I kid.


To be honest with you, it never ever really stops.

It’s a constant battle to eat healthy and exercise and do the right thing. 


The journey all started with the serious talk with

Dr. Ian Smith from Celebrity Fit Club

explaining to me the dangers of the type of gut I was carrying around. Heart

attack, high blood pressure and diabetes are just some of the problems in my


The worst part of the diet was definitely the nine-day


, because you have to get all the toxins out of your body. As I look back

though, I can’t believe the way I used to eat. Fast food every meal and extra

nuggets or apple pies on the side. I definitely went too far. BEFORE

I definitely don’t want to be a health nut or

anything like that.  I still eat what I

want, but I just do it less and in smaller quantities. 


As you get a little older though, the “f**k

it ” attitude starts to seep in – “F**k it, I don’t have to lose

weight.”  “F**k it, I don’t

need to get healthy.”  But that is

all wrong. 


Now I am 24 pounds lighter, and feel way better. I

look forward to my “treat” meals, and I like the fact that I had to buy some

new clothes. AFTERI hit the gym about three or four times a week and I walk a lot

more. I try to do things that include

some physical activities. I’m trying to get into some other things like boxing

or tennis. I’m not ready to hit the basketball court yet though. Too much



Somehow I have become this expert all of a sudden,

and everybody keeps asking me for advice and help. I only know what I know…

Get the Fat Smash Diet book and some

will power and knock it out. 


The time is now! Take control and make it



Thanks for helping me lose the extra pounds. It’s

only ‘cause I knew that I had to write this blog every week that kept me

motivated and on point.


See y’all on the other side.

“Don’t Get Gassed.”

You can find out everything you want to know about Cipha Sounds at www.myspace.com/ciphasounds and learn more about Dr. Ian Smith at www.doctoriansmith.com