Daily Word: See It Differently!!

Happy Thursday, my Warriors of Light! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your perspective! Effective immediately, I need you to realize that you are rich with opportunity! Starting right now, I need you to acknowledge that you are exactly where you are suppose to be! At this very moment, I need you to understand that the power to change […]

Daily Word: You Already Know!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Great People! Welcome to the day that you continue to take back your own power!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to following your gut instincts! Many people would be a lot further in life if they just stopped thinking and followed their gut! Yes!! I said stop thinking!!! There’s a saying that says “you can be […]

Daily Word: Stop Waiting!!!

Happy Tuesday, my blessed and highly favored! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to waiting for life to happen! Out of all of the 7,003,019,800 people living on the earth today, it is a fact that 90% will die without fully living out their dreams…. Well….. maybe not 90%, and maybe it’s not a fact. But, truth be told, many […]

Daily Word: Take Full Responsibility!!

Rise, Grind, Shine, and Give Thanks!! Welcome to the start of a wonderful week and the last day to file your taxes!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to taking full responsibility! Life is good, life is bad, life is great, life is unfair, life is exciting, life is confusing, life is adventurous, life is boring, life is wonderful…..Life is […]

Daily Word: Not Now is Not No!!

Happy Friggatriskaidekaphobia (Friday the 13th)! Welcome to your time, your day, your opportunity to start fresh or end strong! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to having patience! NOT NOW IS NOT NO!!!! Anyone who is following a dream or aspiration needs to understand this concept sooner than later! Many times we are going to feel impatient about a path we […]

Daily Word: Keep Going Harder!!!

Happy Thursday, my great ones! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to going harder! As I’ve said a million times before and will continue to say a million times over…. It’s always too early to quit! You do not become a failure by not reaching a goal; you become a failure by giving up! As long as you have breath […]

Daily Word: Count Your Blessings!!!

Peace and Blessings, my Blessed and Highly favored! Welcome to another day that will bring you closer to your dreams and aspirations! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your blessings! Everything happens for a reason… Whatever situation you are in right now is purposely this way to help you get closer to what you really want! The Good, The […]

Daily Word: Have Faith & Don’t Worry!!!

Tremendous Tuesday, my Magnificent beings! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to worry and faith! It is absolutely impossible to have both at the same time! If you are worrying, then you don’t have faith…. if you have faith, then you have no time or reason to worry! The choice is yours, but you have to be clear about which […]

Daily Word: Make It Possible!!!

Happy Monday, my Dreamers and Doers! Welcome to the week that you officially take back control of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to making things possible! Excuses are never acceptable! If you really want something bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen! Many people find reasons why they are not living the […]