
Police Investigate Murder During French Montana Show

(AllHipHop News) Police in Northern New Jersey are investigating the stabbing death of a man who was killed during a show featuring rapper French Montana.

Over 450 were gathered for a pre-Christmas bashing Friday (December 23) at The Mirage Banquet Hall in Edison, that was promoted by Hot 97’s DJ Wallah and featured French Montana as a surprise performer.

According to reports, French arrived with an entourage of about 40 people, who became unruly when they could not access the VIP section of the hall.

“Everyone was enjoying themselves,” Mirage’s co-owner Shaun Mehtani told The Star-Ledger. “The trouble began when his entourage arrived.”

According to my Mehtani, French Montana’s entourage began arguing with people in the VIP and taking their drinks.

A scuffle ensued, and The Mirage’s 10-man security force was quickly outnumbered.

Security ended the party early, and the 400- 500 strong crowd spilled into the venue’s parking lot.

In the parking lot, several other fights broke out, resulting in the stabbing death of 21-year-old Jayson Perry.

Five other people were also stabbed during the melee, while one man suffered from a superficial gunshot wound.

Prosecutors in Edison and Middlesex New Jersey have opened an investigation into the stabbings and the death of Perry.

Daily Word: Happy Holidays!!!

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Kwanzaa, my blessed and highly favored!!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to wish you and your family a happy holiday!! As we take this time and season to be jolly, we also need to take time to be grateful! Whether good or bad, we must always appreciate the fact that we are still here! We must appreciate the fact that we can do it better tomorrow! And, also appreciate that we have everything we need right now!

Do not make this season only about receiving!! Remember that to whom much is given much is required!! Be grateful by appreciating everything you have and everything that you will continue to get!! Then show gratitude by giving back!! Whether it’s time with your friends and family, or whatever you feel in your heart… whatever it is, know that the world is a much better because of your donation back to it!!

Live, laugh, love!! You are rich and abundant now!! Realize this fact and enjoy everything that is in your favor!! -Ash’Cash

“If you can’t be content with what you have received, be thankful for what you have escaped.” -Unknown

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” -Unknown

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey

“If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.” -Frank A. Clark

“If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.” -Robert Quillen

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” -Meister Eckhart

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” -John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” -Buddha


Ash’Cash is a Business Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Financial Expert and the author of Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Laws of Financial Freedom. For more information, please visit his website, www.IamAshCash.com.

Flavor Flav Launches LeFlav Vodka, Reopening Chicken Spots

(AllHipHop News) Flavor Flav is ringing in the new year by launching his own line of signature vodka.

The legendary rapper/reality show star has launched his newest business, LeFlav Spirits.

Flavor Flav started his promotional campaign yesterday (December 23) for the company’s first line, LeFLAV Straight Up vodka.

The rapper launched LeFLAV Straight Up in Las Vegas and he continued the promotions at various liquor stores today (December 24).

Locals have already been able to purchase LeFLAV Straight Up at establishments like Total Wines & More and all four locations of The Liquor Outlet.

As of press time, LeFlav will retail for $23.99 and comes in a 4 carat bottle draped in Swarovski crystals.

As of press time, LeFLAV Straight Up is available in Las Vegas, New Jersey, New York and California.

Flavor Flav is hoping to expand the brand internationally in 2012, in addition to launching flavors like hemp juice, bubblegum and grape.

Flav also revealed that he would be launching a new fried chicken restaurant in Las Vegas, in the coming months.

Hip-Hop Rumors: Tyler the Creator Speaks On Last Night's Arrest!! Kanye Debuts New Music In London!!!

Tyler Releases “Statement” About What Went Down Last Night:

No he didn’t smash that car windshield above, but after an Odd Future homecoming show last night in Los Angeles, Tyler was taken to jail after being arrested for vandalism of… sound equipment???

“duding RADICALS, i was on the piano playing the breakdown, only to notice that the music and sound was low, lights went off and that s### wasnt right, i get up, look, and notice that it was two girls hurt from the mosh pits behind them. i grab my mic to tell the crowd to come calm down and inform security because it was none around in the front, but i then find out the sound dude turned everything off. so im on stage while its mosh pits and chaos on stage ( i played live with Trash Talk, and it was a home show so everyone from OF was there wildn) pointing at my mic tell sound dude to turn it up turn it up, hes shaking his head no.i keep doing this for at least 70 seconds until i get fed up and run over to him threw the crowd. i jump on his sound board and say’ n#### turn my f###### mic up its b###### hurt, let me tell the crowd to calm down, they listen to me’ this n#### goes on saying he doesnt have control his manager said this and that. i keep asking, we go back and forth. i kick the plexi glass and stomp on the cheap ass soundboard, then throw my mike on the floor. go back on stage just in time to throw a couple gifts out to the crowd ( it was the xmas show). someone states ‘ lets get you outta here’. i walk outside to like 20 cops, helicopters, shotguns and some other s###. jail is really cold dude, i had no socks on. im fine tho, bail was alot even tho i didnt hurt anyone, i damaged some s###. and idk why rappers talk about jail like its cool, omg i would go crazy. all i could think about was skating the bowl like 8 hours before haha. i havent looked but the media prolly made it seem more epic than it actually is. but overall, i finally feel black.” –Tyler

Kanye Previews New Tracks at London Club:

Kanye West

Rap-Up has reported that at a Christmas party in London the other night, host and Dj for the night, Kanye West, reportedly played new music from his own solo album, as well as the G.O.O.D. Music compilation album that will be dropping in the Spring.

It’s going to be interesting too see what Yeezy’s been cooking up and how he’s going to top the Grammy-nominated My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Jay-Z also mentioned that a sequel to Watch the Throne could be out sometime next year too, making that a total of three albums that Kanye drop in 2012!

Rick Ross Mixtape Gets A Name and Cover:

Rich Forever has no release date but you could expect it to drop sometime in January.

MIXTAPE DOWNLOAD: The Michael Jordan Theory from GhostWridah

DOWNLOAD MIXTAPE HERE “Michael Jordan once said that there is no I in team…” – GhostWridah
We all know Michael Jordan symbolizes victory. 
This is a look at the parallels of a journey while building a dynasty through the eyes of one who is chasing the top spot of this music ish. 
GhostWridah is planning to accomplish this and much more, and this is a tribute to one whom provided a blueprint for excellence, as well as a message to those who still might not believe.

New Air Jordans Spark Frenzy, Possible Death

(AllHipHop News) The Air Jordan XI Retro Concords were officially released today (December 23), to a frenzy of anxious sneaker enthusiasts looking to purchase the heavily anticipated sneakers.

Despite the positive attention the shoes have garnered from fans of the Air Jordan series of shoes, there have also been several instances of fighting and even death over the shoes.

According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, in Tukwila, Washington just outside of Seattle, approximately 20 people were sprayed by police during a fight that ensued, as customers were waiting for the new shoes.

Police have also been called to shopping malls in Florida, Indiana, Texas and Virginia to control the crowds, ABC News reported.

“I don’t remember anything like this in the recent past at all, definitely not with the iPhone or anything like that,” Linda Jackson, a spokeswoman for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, explained to ABCNews.com.

In New Jersey, one shopper told MyFoxPhilly that a fellow shopper had threatened gunfire if he didn’t get the shoes.

The Air Jordan XI Retro Concord hype reached its height with reports about the death of an 18-year-old named Tyreek Amir Jacobs.

The report is allegedly a hoax according to the Baltimore Sun, although a memorial page dedicated to Jacobs claims the death is real.

Drumma Boy: Memphis Music In His Blood

“The Little Drummer Boy” is a widely known Christmas Holiday Season story, so it only makes sense to feature Hip-Hop’s own Drumma Boy around this time of the year. The Memphis, Tennessee, native has racked up numerous accolades and awards producing for the likes of T.I., Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Young Jeezy, and a multitude of other stars.

Nowadays, it’s not just about making beats anymore for Drumma. In what seems to be a common move for producers these days, Drumma Boy now has a rap alter ego by the name of D-Boy Fresh and released his debut mixtape several months ago. Recently, Drumma Boy invited AllHipHop.com out to the Atlantic Records studios in Los Angeles to hear some new beats and to talk about his life as a musician, producer, and now, as the rapper, D-Boy Fresh:

AllHipHop.com: How were you christened with the Drumma Boy name?

Drumma Boy: I got it at my first job, which was at a shoe store called Just For Feet. One of the managers was joking around when I told him what I did on the side. He was like, “I know you’re not going to work at Just For Feet all of your life. What else do you do?” I told him that I made beats and that the basketball team at my high school warms up to them at the games. He didn’t believe that I made beats and wanted to hear what they sounded like. I told him that I would bring a tape up to the store the next day. So I brought the tape in to the job, and they pulled out a boom box.

It was a slow day so we didn’t have that many customers at that particular time. I pushed play on the tape, and they started to feel the beats. Then more co-workers started walking up and soon, there were about 10 of us standing around listening to the beats – folks were wanting to freestyle. Next thing you know, the actual store manager comes to where we are like, “What are y’all doing? I’ve got people looking for shoes, and nobody is helping them!” Someone said, “We’re gonna call you Drumma Boy because you’re patterns are so dope and hypnotizing! We forgot we were supposed to be working.” That’s where it came from. Ironically, the Christmas tree ornament that my grandmother gave me as a baby was a Drummer Boy. I decided to run with it.

AllHipHop.com: What name were you running with before that?

Drumma Boy: I didn’t have a name. At that point I was only making beats for about six months. It wasn’t like anybody knew me from any other name. People just called me Little Gholson, which is my last name.

AllHipHop.com: Six months in, and you were already getting people to groove to your music! You really picked things up quickly.

Drumma Boy: Definitely! I come from music. My father was in a orchestra band and my mother was in opera. My aunt taught violin. The orchestra world was my first world of music. Coming from the city of Memphis, we call it “The Gumbo City” because you’ve got Rock N Roll, Gospel, Pop, R & B, and Hip-Hop. It’s in my blood. My mom put speakers next to her womb to let me hear music even before I was on Earth.

I started rebelling against orchestra music when I was around 10 or 11 and started listening to Eightball & MJG, Three 6 Mafia and Playa Fly. I met Yo Gotti when I first moved to the suburbs. I was getting in trouble in the south part of Memphis, and we moved to the suburbs when I was 14. I met Yo Gotti out there in Raleigh, which is not too far from Cordova in North Memphis. I remember doing a song for Gotti called “That’s What’s Up.” Then I did three songs for Tela on his Double Dose album when I was like 16 and still in high school. I picked up a little name for myself through Yo Gotti and Tela.

AllHipHop.com: It sounds like have a natural talent for music, but you also studied for it, right?

Drumma Boy: I was home-schooled by my dad for a while. He was a First Chair clarinet for 40 years straight for the Memphis Symphony Orchestra. I could’ve been in one, too. As a matter of fact, I was asked to be in the Youth Symphony Orchestra. I made All-West Tennessee Band playing the clarinet. Playing other people’s music wasn’t the route that I wanted to take for my life. I wanted to write my own music and for people to remember me like the way they remember Beethoven many years after his life.

AllHipHop.com: You are that good on the clarinet that you can play in an actual orchestra?

Drumma Boy: I read, write, arrange, and compose – there’s nothing that I can’t do with music.

AllHipHop.com: Creating Hip-Hop music is basically just pushing buttons these days.

Drumma Boy: Yeah, but that has nothing to do with the chords, arrangement and creativity. The things that I hear in my mind, I captivate it and then execute it through my equipment. People think that I do just Southern beats because I’m from Memphis, and the majority of my clients have been from the South. As soon as I met Goaple out in Los Angeles, we did a song together. I just did a song with Eminem, Young Jeezy and Freddie Gibbs called “Talk To Me.” That song was a complete different style of music – I got Travis Barker on the drums for it. I did a record for Rick Ross called “Here I Am” with my live band. I had live drums, piano, and bass – with me hitting the buttons. That’s the difference with me. I can write music. I can write a whole orchestra piece and hire the orchestra to replay what I wrote.

AllHipHop.com: The beat that you were playing inside of the studio had a Pop/Dance feel to it.

Drumma Boy: I make whatever you ask me for. I’m a chef. If you come to me and say that this is your favorite dish, that’s what I’m going to cook. People think I can cook one particular type of food, but I can cook for any culture in the world. Drum Squad is “Deeper Roots United Music.” I’m uniting different cultures of music together. I can take African drums and mix it with orchestra music. I can take Jamaican percussions and mix it with Pop chords.

AllHipHop.com: Do you like to use a lot of samples? Or do you try to avoid using them?

Drumma Boy: There’s no limit to making music. I’ve used samples. I did a record for Plies featuring T-Pain called “Shawty.” I sampled Earth, Wind and Fire – and that was one of my first big songs on the radio. That song actually won an ASCAP Award, and I was on stage with Maurice White. Had I not sampled that song, I wouldn’t have been on stage with those guys. You’ve got to make music, be creative and do what you want. So many people criticize about how to make music and what formula to use. I just have fun. Sometimes I start with a snare, or a kick, or a sample. There is no formula to creativity at its best.

AllHipHop.com: Who are you producing for right now?

Drumma Boy: My schedule is quite hectic. I’m working with Atlantic Records right now making some songs with Flo-Rida. We’re also working on Trey Songz, T.I, and Plies. I just did a song recently for Young Jeezy’s TM103 called “Just Like That.” I also just wrapped a new single for Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg called “Smokin’ On,” which is off of their Mac and Devin Go To High School album. I’m an artist myself, and one of the songs that I just recorded is called “I’m On Worldstar” featuring Gucci Mane and 2 Chainz.

I feel like I’m starting from scratch as an artist, like I don’t know anything about Drumma Boy or who he is [laughter]. I’m doing free shows and going from city to city meeting the different Program Directors. I’m doing DJ meet and greets. I’m having fun doing what I want to do. I’m signed to myself and I own myself. I’ve never sold my soul. Through selling beats, I have my own budget.

AllHipHop.com: Are you going to produce for yourself, or are you reaching out to other producers for beats?

Drumma Boy: I’ve already reached out to other producers. I have tracks from Justice League, Sonny Digital, Shawty Redd, Jazzy Pha, and others. There’s a lot of cats in the game that I’m a fan of and they are fans of what I’m doing, too. I love any producer that has great music. I’m writing for other artists too. I just did the hook for Nelly’s new single with 2 Chainz and T.I.

AllHipHop.com: How do you like being an artist as opposed to just producing for people?

Drumma Boy: I love it, especially if that’s what it’s going to take to get my due respect from people. D-Boy Fresh is the verbal side of me. Drumma Boy is the music side. I was rapping before I was making beats. I needed some money, so I started hustling. Making beats to me is like a form of hustle. I started out to get some quick cash and ended up becoming famous.

Now I have to take it back to the basics because a lot of cats are leaving me out of their videos, and VH1 Hip-Hop Honors left out Memphis when they honored the South. How are you going to honor the South and not say a thing about Memphis? Three 6 Mafia from Memphis won an Oscar Award! Eightball and MJG have Platinum and Gold albums. We started Crunk. You can see plenty of videos where Lil Jon talks about where Crunk came from. There’s a lot of stuff that originated from Memphis that we are not getting credit for. I feel it’s up to me to represent now. I represent my city and I felt disrespected when they left us out.

AllHipHop.com: Was it really that big of a deal?

Drumma Boy: Even our local media was furious. It was in the newspapers about Memphis artists being left out. It just kind of showed that there are people that don’t know the real history of the South. Outkast, Luke, and J. Prince reached out to us to told us not to sweat it. They felt bad for us and understood that the people behind it didn’t fully understand our role in Southern music.

Daily Word: Stop Settling!!!

Happy Friday, my fearless creatures of excellence!

Welcome to the end of a powerful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not settling for less! You are great!! You are powerful beyond measure!! You are brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous, and can do anything you put your mind to!! Despite this fact the world is doing everything in its power to break you down and make you feel less than you are!! It is trying to give you the illusion that your life is hard and will stay that way!! It is attempting to sell you this vision that your dreams are distant and unattainable!!

Despite its efforts you must NEVER settle for less!! Believe that all the goodness that exists in the world is yours for the taking, and that you will get exactly what you want!! Don’t compromise because you are impatient!! Know that if you continue to go down the path of greatness, it is inevitable that you get everything that you desire!! Maybe not when you want it, but definitely when you need it!

As Oprah once said “You can have it all. You just can’t have it all at once.” Be patient and know when to say NO!! You must sacrifice the good to get to the great! Hold out a little while longer and live the life of your dreams!! You deserve it!!! -Ash’Cash

“No matter how qualified or deserving we are, we will never reach a better life until we can imagine it for ourselves and allow ourselves to have it.” –Richard Bach

“Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness.” -Bo Bennett

“If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you’ll accept in life, you’ll find it’s easy to slip into a quality of life that’s far below what you deserve.” -Anthony Robbins

“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.” -Maureen Dowd

“There is no future to be found in playing small. Never settle for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” -Nelson Mandela

“If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.” -Vince Lombardi

“If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” -Steve Jobs

“Never settle for less than you deserve. Demand the BEST & accept nothing LESS!” -Unknown


Ash’Cash is a Business Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Financial Expert and the author of Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Laws of Financial Freedom. For more information, please visit his website, www.IamAshCash.com.