Daily Word: Never Stop Fighting!!

Happy Thursday, my resistant and resilient! Welcome to the day that you strap up your boots, put on your war paint, and begin to fight for what you know is yours! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your resilience! Even when it’s all bad, it’s all Good! Many times, we look at our situations and […]

FEEL RICH VIDEO: Get Funked Up!!

Editor’s Note: “Feel Rich” is our partnership with QD3, the talented son of music legend Quincy Jones. “Feel Rich” is all about creating a healthy lifestyle for Hip-Hop culture – both the artists and the fans. Enjoy! Funk Roberts is a former professional beach volleyball player turned Certified Personal Trainer, Kettlebell Training Specialist, MMA Conditioning […]

Daily Word: Take Massive Action!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Movers and Shakers! Welcome to the middle of the week or hump day as many people call it! The day that the unfocused looks forward to, because it signifies just two more days until the weekend, and they can’t wait to relax! The saying goes, if you find something you love to […]

Daily Word: Get Laser Focused!!

Happy Tuesday, my destined and determined! Welcome to the day you zero in on your target and focus on what you deserve! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to having tunnel vision! Imagine a heart surgeon having a side hustle! Imagine that instead of practicing his craft, he put his energy somewhere else! Or, imagine a […]

Daily Word: Strengthen Your Weakness!!!

Happy Monday, my strong and resilient! As we start this week, let’s vow to make it our best week ever, and put a plan in place to make this a reality! Thoughts become things, but faith without work is dead! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to strengthening your weakness! It is imperative to realize that […]

Daily Word: Be Great Everyday!!

Happy Thursday, my Great Ones! Welcome to the day you recognize your natural ability to do anything you want in life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to tapping into your greatness everyday! If you took some time out to define the word Greatness, you would see that it says it’s a concept of a state […]

Daily Word: Raise Your Bar!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my High Achievers! Welcome to the day you raise your bar and do it better than you’ve ever done it before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to aiming the highest! If excellence is even an option, why settle for anything less? You are great right now! Anything you put your mind to will […]

Daily Word: Put Power To Your Passion!!!

Happy Takeover Tuesday! Welcome to the day you put power to your passion and take what you deserve! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being passionate about life! You aren’t alive to just merely exist! You weren’t put here on earth to blend in with mediocrity! Your sole (soul) purpose in life is to find […]

Daily Word: Stop Being Humble!!!

Happy Monday, my beings of excellence! Welcome to the beginning of a wonderful week and an opportunity to do it the better than you did before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your confidence and being humble! John Wooden has a famous quote that says… “Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be […]

Daily Word: Stay Dedicated!!!

Fearless Friday, my determined and dedicated! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your dedication!! Those who really want something make it happen, those who don’t make excuses!! There is absolutely nothing in this entire universe that can stop you from getting what you really want out of life! The simple key to success is to […]

Daily Word: Go Beyond Circumstance!!

Great Thursday, my talented and tenacious! Welcome to the day that you realize that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to going beyond your circumstance! Many times, when people aren’t currently living the life they had intended to live, they take it as a sign that the […]

Daily Word: Mind Your Business!!

Happy Wins-Day, my focused and independent! Welcome to the best day of your life…Everyday!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated criticism. Whether you are the critic or the one being criticized, today is the day that you realize that both need to be ignored at all cost! While the dictionary has criticism as “the practice of […]

Daily Word: Expect To Win!!

Happy Tuesday, my Victors of Life! Welcome to your best day! The day that you realize that the fact that you are still here means that you still have purpose. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being a winner! In life you get exactly what you expect, whether you like it or not. Those who […]

Daily Word: Simply Keep It Simple!!

TGI….Everyday!!! Welcome to another opportunity to do it better than ever before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to keeping it simple! Life is easy, straight to the point, and simple…. Live, Laugh, Love… Follow your heart, and do what makes you happy!! Give back and leave the world better than how you found it…. Despite […]

Ladies: Find You a "Tom Brady"

[Photo courtesy of jedroot.com] If you build “him”, he will… Tom Brady, NFL Quarterback, 3-time Superbowl Champion, Sex Symbol, a Supermodel’s husband, NERD. Ladies love potential. Men are well aware of that. We understand that you want to be a part of something special and something you could be proud of. You want to be […]