Pics: Evander Holyfield Referees at Phoenix Suns Celebrity Shootout

Photo credit: Hernan Rodriguez, Over the past weekend, Evander Holyfield joined a number of athletes, musicians, actors, and entertainment personalities for a celebrity shootout and basketball game at the US Airways Center, home to the Phoenix Suns. Isaiah Rider, Anthony Anderson, Calais Campbell, Donald Faison, Terrell Owens, Columbus Short, Bubba Watson, JoJo, Brian White, […]

Daily Word: WAKE UP!!!

TGI…Everyday!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to waking up and turning your dreams into reality! I know it sounds like a cliche’, but if you can dream it, then you can make it happen! Your thoughts are the most powerful tool you have in your arsenal, and […]

Daily Word: Think Bigger!!!

Happy Take-Over Thursday! Welcome to the first of the month and the day that you continue to take-over your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to thinking bigger! I’ll keep this short and sweet! You are what you think about the most! If you keep concentrating on the things in life that don’t matter, that […]

Daily Word: Take The Leap!!

Happy Leap Day, my Creatures of Adventure! Welcome to the day that comes every four years – February 29th! As we celebrate this moment, we are dedicating today’s Daily Word to taking the leap! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Playing it safe isn’t only a waste of talent, it is a […]

Beyonce and Mother Tina Knowles Design T-Shirts for Obama’s “Runway To Win” Initiative

Sixteen-time Grammy Award-winner and new mom Beyonce Knowles-Carter, along with her mother Tina Knowles, are just two of 27 designers who have created unique apparel in support of President Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential re-election as part of the Runway to Win initiative. The initiative, which is one of the top Obama fundraisers in the country, was […]

Daily Word: Just Ask!!!

Happy Friday, my Creators of Life! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Asking! Life is simple if we allow it to be! Everything you want is yours for the taking, if you simply just ask! Many times, we tip toe around our dreams and aspirations, putting limitations […]