Houston Rapper Kidricc James Has that “Al Green Flow”

Kidricc James want to be the proof that you can beat the odds. He went from being a high school dropout with a prison-issued GED, to becoming a successful businessman that provides for his family by doing what he loves.

Whether acting as a consultant, artist, cinematographer, CEO, ghostwriter, singer, or just plain old family man, Kidricc James is an undeniable force to be reckoned with. A proud product of Acres Homes (the 2nd largest historically Black neighborhood in the US and one of the most notorious neighborhoods in Houston, Tx), Kidricc is an example of what you can become when you allow adversity to fuel your ambition. We recently sat down with Mr. James to get an intimate view into the mind of the man

How did you get your start in the music industry:

I wrote my first rap at 12 years old, but music has always been a part of me though. I used to want the latest album or cassette instead of toys for presents. I grew up singing in the choir of my church. I’ve been told my father was known to be a singer. My mother sang in the choir, so I guess it was always in the fabric of my DNA. I grew into being an artist and after 4 deals that went sour, I decided to apply what I knew and learn what I didn’t and became the solution to the problems I faced.

What’s the most important risk you took, and why?

Investing in myself and taking my career into my own hands. Rather than looking for someone to finance my dreams, I took it upon myself when I realized two things. 1. No one was coming to save me. 2. There was no such thing as the “perfect” situation and some motions are better than no motion at all. After my last deal went bad, I resorted back to the streets, and it took my wife (who was my girlfriend at the time) telling me that she would leave if I didn’t change. I went and got an $8 hr. job and started from the absolute bottom. I had to swallow my pride, but it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I would compare it to working at a fast-food restaurant. It’s as if I started cleaning the bathrooms and worked my way up to the owner. I understand the machine because I’ve played every position. I have no investors, nor do I need one. Everything you see me doing is paid for by me and has been that way for 14 years and counting.

What is it that you do and what motivates you?

I own and operate an Indie record label based out of Houston called King James Entertainment that I formed in 2009. As of 2015, we have specialized in hip-hop without profanity. Simultaneously I began shooting all of my own music videos and content. I personally handled my own media placements, radio promotion, and marketing. The results led to others wanting me to do the same for them and I formed Dot4 Media Group to service their needs. I have assisted in building the careers of countless artists, record labels and social media personalities. My motivation is being the source of knowledge that I wished I had when I was a young naïve artist trying to maneuver through the pitfalls and snares of the industry.

How do you balance acting from an executive standpoint while simultaneously being an artist?

I’ve learned to separate the two. It was a process; I have the best of both worlds because I’m able to not only create art, but also get to curate and protect the art in a way most don’t have the power to. I have the unique gift of understanding the music business from both sides of the spectrum and that gives me an incredible cheat code.

What do you think of the current state of Hip Hop?

When Outkast first came out nobody was wearing wigs and dressed like Andre 3000. As the game evolves, we have to push the culture. Do I like everything I hear? Absolutely not, but do I respect it if it’s pure and from the heart? Definitely. I think that should be what we judge it by. If it’s a gimmick then I have no tolerance, but if it’s for a purpose and truly for The Culture, then who am I to judge you because you see the same thing but from a different window? Your truth may not be my truth but as long as it’s THE truth that’s all that matters.

What differentiates you from others? What makes you unique?

I don’t view anyone as my competition, so that allows me to help in a way most is afraid to. So many people in the business of any type never like to give information and share resources. Of course, you can’t give info to just anybody, but if a person is serious about their craft, why not assist? I make sure that I’m compensated for my work when I provide a service, but sharing info is nothing. If 10 people follow the same recipe to bake the exact same cake, not one of them will taste the same. When I help my clients, I want them to get to a point where they don’t need me anymore. That’s how I measure my success. My goal is to break certain cycles that have existed for decades. I do what’s right in an industry that just does what it takes to win. That’s the difference.

What advice would you give a budding artist and/or entrepreneur?

Learn the business of music. Educate yourself on the way money is made from music and make sure that you receive your correct slice of the pie. The game is different now. This is the first time in the history of music that artists have just as many resources as the record labels used to have. Capitalize on that. Google and YouTube are your best friends. Things that took me years to learn can be found in a matter of minutes and all you have to do is search.

Lastly, what do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be the proof that you can beat the odds. I went from being a high school dropout with a prison-issued GED, to becoming a successful businessman that provides for his family by doing what he loves. I want to be known for educating artists so that they can stop being victims of an industry that sucks them dry then throws them in the trash to die broke. I want to be an example to the homies in the streets that you can become so much more. You can take an impossible nothing and turn it into an incredible something. I did it. So can you!