How music has evolved over the decades as per Humza Beats

According to Humza Beats it isn’t just streaming platforms that have helped music to evolve, video sharing platforms like Youtube and more recently TikTok

Since we first started creating and sharing music has it evolved and changed with every passing decade, making it somehow both timeless and ever-changing. With each year that passes we find new ways to create and enjoy music, ensuring that it is always evolving. Musician Humza Beats holds a deep interest in this evolution and here he shares how it has occurred over the decades.

Humza Beats believes that the greatest metamorphosis that music has undergone involves how it’s shared. Record labels were once essential to launch an artist’s career and distribute records, cassettes, and CDs. Humza Beats explains that advancements in audio recording technology and the rise of streaming platforms like Spotify and Soundcloud have transformed the music business.

As it became easier to create and share music worldwide new styles and genres emerged, as artists were no longer hampered by what a record executive deemed to be commodifiable. This evolution continues every day and Humza Beats believes that it gains power with each decade that passes, he says, “Every advancement in technology takes us a step closer to a more inclusive world of music where anyone can create and share their unique sound.”

According to Humza Beats it isn’t just streaming platforms that have helped music to evolve, video sharing platforms like Youtube and more recently TikTok now ignite new music trends every day. From resurrecting long-forgotten songs to showcasing brand new performers, video-sharing platforms have become an essential powerhouse in the music world.

Having held a life-long passion for music Humza Beats shares that he always wanted to be a part of its ever-evolving history. Given his current global following, it’s clear that he has achieved this goal and become a part of music’s decade-spanning evolution.