Stefano Ierardi : Advocate, DJ, Culture Shifter

While musicians can be regarded as arrogant, Stefano is anything but.

Like many musicians, Stefano Ierardi comes from humble beginnings. No one handed him his success; he worked for it. But, as music is a passion and calling, he had significant motivation on his journey to becoming a household name. He didn’t choose this career path, it chose him, and Ierardi realizes there was no other option than to make a living as a musician.
Stefano has not lost his sense of self on this journey. If anything, music has helped keep him in check with himself. He hits the gym hard to stay healthy, makes time for friends, and networks with other creatives. All in all, Stefano Ierardi is the same good guy he has always been, but cementing a stance within the music world he loves has made him a better person.
Stefano Ierardi portrays himself as utterly human. He will not shy away from the times he has goofed (not his word) up or battled creative stumps to keep working on a new song. While musicians can be regarded as arrogant, Stefano is anything but. He has genuine affection for his friends and family, plus a passion for traveling. He’s committed to growing his online presence this year and expanding his discography. It’s undeniable that Stefano Ierardi is a force to be reckoned with.