Drake’s 36G Bra-Throwing Fan Gets Playboy Offer


The young lady is thinking about making a drink at her coffee shop after Drizzy.

The woman who tossed her massive bra up on stage during a recent Drake concert might have launched a new career. According to TMZ, Veronica Correia received a lucrative offer to flash her size 36G breasts for money with Playboy.

The house that Hugh Hefner built has apparently offered the 21-year-old a contract in the most 21st-century way possible–on social media. Unlike bunnies in the past, Correia wouldn’t appear on the cover of the magazine but in an OnlyFans style platform.

Correia attended the Barclay Center show, where Drake paused the show to comment on the bra size.

Another incident happened, where a fan had thrown a vape pen at him, narrowly missing Drake. The Canadian superstar, noticeably confused, stopped what he was doing and shamed the fan for the careless act.

Don’t think this young lady is just any “bra-throwing lass” one might find at any Drake concert. She’s actually a businesswoman.

Correia owns a coffee shop called Café La La in Cumberland, Rhode Island. After all this attention, prompted by her crush, she’ thinking about renaming one of the signature coffees after the experience: Drizzle Drizzle or 36G.