Jaden Smith Highlights Black Lives Matter Protests During “Boys And Girls” Performance On ‘Kimmel’

Emmitt Till, Sandra Bland, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others were saluted on the late-night talk show.

Back on August 28, Hip Hop recording artist and the host of Snapchat’s The Solution Committee Jaden Smith returned with CTV3: Cool Tape Vol. 3. The 17-track musical collection, which featured Justin Bieber and Raury, closed out with a song titled “Boys and Girls.”

Jaden got the chance to perform “Boys and Girls” on Tuesday night’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! on ABC. The four-minute set featured the 22-year-old musician appearing in front of a large screen that displayed images from the Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Matter protests.

At one point the names of Black men and women who were killed by police officers, died in police custody, or slain by accused racist citizens were shown for the audience. Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Samuel DuBose, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, George Floyd, Jamar Clark, Trayvon Martin, Emmitt Till, Oscar Grant, and Breonna Taylor were among the people listed.

“We just want justice, are we really asking too much? We just want to change the world and spread our love,” sings Jaden in the bridge of “Boys and Girls.” He ended the Kimmel performance by raising his fist in the air and reminding viewers to vote in the upcoming general election on November 3.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-y4MbYl0_s[/embedyt]