LGBTQIA Organization’s CEO Blasts TMZ Over Report They Co-Signed DaBaby Performing Again


An LGBTQIA organization is denying a report by TMZ claiming they have cleared DaBaby for performances after his homophobic comments at Rolling Loud LAST summer!

An LGBTQIA+ organization is calling out media outlet TMZ for “grossly misquoting” the CEO for clicks.

Relationship Unleashed wants a full retraction and apology. The organization took to social media to blast the news outlet for being sensational.

“Our organization stands on strong principles of being defenders of the LGBTQIA Community and nothing has changed. We will never normalize “trash TV or trash news stories!” Today we were ingulfed (sic) by the news outlet in a fire 🔥 we did not start! Our comments to a brief question was grossly misquoted and intentionally framed in a click baiting headline to drive traffic to TMZ. We have written and repeatedly spoke with the News Edit to retract, correct, or delete this erroneous story. As of this time some modifications have been made but not enough to our satisfaction. We vehemently deny this assertion and the reporting does not align with our values or mission. #RapperDababy #TMZerronousNews @gwenclemons @davinclemons

Gwendolyn D. Clemons, CEO of Relationship Unleashed, says that while traveling overseas, she received an email from TMZ a news producer asking her for remarks about DaBaby’s performance during his Rolling Loud NY over the weekend.

This would have been a scoop for them since last summer at another concert produced by the same promoters, DaBaby ran into trouble for spewing homophobic statements.

Clemons said she responded, but her statements were taken out of context to fit a narrative that she did not support.

TMZ first reported that her organization was [OK with DaBaby’s performance at Rolling Loud last week.}(

She says in an article on the organization’s media outlet, The Unleased Voice, that “90% of the information posted on TMZ website” regarding her emailed response was “completely false and that this article has the potential to cause irreputable harm to the organization.”

She further stated that when she called the producer to have it corrected/ retracted.

TMZ did post an update, expressing that Clemons believes that she was misquoted and posted a screenshot of her email to them.

The two seem to be splitting hairs.

One, the media outlet, is saying that she said: “she and her cohorts at the nonprofit approve of DB’s appearance at Rolling Loud NY last week — and any future concerts — as they feel he has learned a lot over the past few months.”

She said in her email something a little different.

Clemons wrote, “We believe that his lack of comprehensive understanding about these types of social issues was rooted in a place of miseducation and sheer ignorance. However, given the opportunity to go forward and do better we believe our objectives were highly effective and yes, he deserves to perform at Rolling Loud in NY.”

There is a difference, and she was misquoted.

She did not approve of his appearance but said that he deserved to perform at that one concert. Their addition of any future concerts was editorialized.

His deserving and their “approval” are not the same.

This story is developing.