Chicago Rapper King Yella And Family Narrowly Escape Terrifying Shooting Incident

King Yella and his family were shot at in a random place, far from his native Chicago.

In the world of Hip-Hop, artists are sadly embroiled in controversies and even dangerous situations, all too often. Chicago-based rapper King Yella recently took to Instagram to share a chilling experience that unfolded during a visit to San Bernardino, California. This incident marks the second time in his career that he has narrowly escaped a shooting, raising concerns about his safety and potential rivalries.

King Yella recounted the moment when his life was almost taken and his loved ones were with him with the bullets started flying. The rapper, who is currently living in Las Vegas, said it all occurred during a visit to San Bernardino.

King Yella pointed fingers, claiming that “some Mexicans” were behind the attack. Was a random act of violence or does he have beef with some Brown brothers? This did not go over with the Mexican community. He ended up clarifying his position. I am sure he did not want a new set of problems. King Yella said that he wasn’t generalizing all Mexicans but addressing those deviants responsible for the attack.

Fortunately, nobody was hurt, and his children are safe, but they are all deeply shaken.

Here is he talking about it.

King Yella is probably going to move differently after this. I think he has to. That close call in California has to have him reevaluating his life. And when we are talking about a rapper and his family? This is an easy decision.

Fans and fellow artists are showing support and well-wishes But it only takes one…. Let us hope this is a wake-up call!

Here is the talk on the Mexican issue with No Limit Kyro, Ebk Juvie, GeeBaby071  (like I know these people!) in a new post titled “I LOVE MEXICANS”: