Did Brock Lesnar Get Too “Real” At WrestleMania?

(AllHipHop Rumors) Over the weekend a lot of stuff went down: MMA, boxing and also Wrestlemania. I didn’t watch any of that, but thanks to Twitter, I saw that Brock Lesnar was trending. I took a little gander and almost couldn’t take the brutality I saw! Now, I am not going to lie, I always […]

(AllHipHop Rumors) Over the weekend a lot of stuff went down: MMA, boxing and also Wrestlemania. I didn’t watch any of that, but thanks to Twitter, I saw that Brock Lesnar was trending. I took a little gander and almost couldn’t take the brutality I saw! Now, I am not going to lie, I always regarded WWE as “fake.” Clearly, the physiology of what they do is real, but its not fighting like MMA. I feel very differently after yesterday. Brock Lesnar beat the crap out of this dude Roman Reigns! I never even heard of Roman Reigns in my LIFE, but he got beat up, thrown on his head and beaten bloody! I couldn’t finish watching! I was traumatized!

The only thing is, I am hearing it wasn’t supposed to be like that! I am hearing that Brock went off script and began beating Roman Reigns in real life. As you know, Brock is also an MMA star that got popped for steroids and had to sashay over to WWE to continue working. Maybe there was was a Roid Rage issue last night? Check it out!

Oh yeah, I know this isn’t about Hip-Hop, MFer!