Beyonce Announces World Tour

(AllHipHop News) Beyonce has announced the “The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour,” a national excursion that spans from Europe to North America. The announcement comes after leaks formed last week. AllHipHop’s rumor guy illseed revealed some of the official information. RELATED: Hip-Hop Rumors: The Name Of Beyonce’s Upcoming Tour Is…(You’ll Love This One) The singer song […]

School ‘Em Saturdays ~ Chemtrails Kill Speech, MLK, and Mad Guns

$CHOOL ‘EM $ATURDAY$ MAY OR MAY NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE AUTHOR, iLLSEED, OR ALL HIP HOP.COM CHEMTRAILS CONFIRMED De-classified documents about ChemTrails reveal another “Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment” type program, where participants of the low income Pruitt – Igoe houses in St. Louis, and other cities, were unknowingly sprayed with poisonous, radioactive chemicals, daily, […]