From Blunts to Balm: Hip-Hop’s Evolution with Vape Pen

The relationship between hip-hop and smoking has always been intriguing and ever-evolving.

The relationship between hip-hop and smoking has always been intertwined. Across generations, hip-hop artists have often used smoking to showcase their street credibility or promote their brand. But with the advent of vaping, the relationship between hip-hop and smoking has changed. In this blog post, we’ll explore the evolution of hip-hop’s relationship with tobacco, from blunts to balm, and the growing influence of vaping in this genre.


The era of blunts 

Blunts, which are cigar wraps filled with weed, emerged as a popular choice among hip-hop artists, particularly in the vibrant era of the ’90s. These tightly rolled creations not only served as a means of indulging in a smoking experience but also became a striking symbol of street culture. It was expected to see influential figures in the hip-hop scene, such as Snoop Dogg, Cypress Hill, and Notorious B.I.G, gracefully holding a cigar between their fingers, effortlessly blending the worlds of music and smoking. The act of smoking itself became intertwined with hip-hop culture, with artists often incorporating references to the smoking lifestyle in their lyrics and visuals, further solidifying its significance in the art form.

The transition to bongs

In the early 2000s, a significant transformation occurred in hip-hop culture as bongs emerged as the preferred smoking tool. This shift was not only evident in the lyrics of rap songs but also in the lifestyle choices of influential artists like Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, and Kid Cudi, who openly embraced and celebrated the use of bongs. These artists became known as bong enthusiasts, promoting a new wave of appreciation for this smoking apparatus.

The appeal of bongs over traditional smoking methods, such as blunts and joints, lies in the enhanced smoking experience they offer. With their water filtration system, bongs deliver cooler and smoother smoke, reducing the harshness often associated with other methods. This not only provides a more pleasant smoking experience but also allows for a deeper inhalation, resulting in a more intense high.

The rise of dabbing

With the legalization of marijuana in several states, a new smoking trend emerged – dabbing. Dabbing, a method of consuming cannabis, involves inhaling vaporized concentrates. This is typically done through a small handheld vaporizer called a dab rig. Dabbing gained popularity alongside the rise of trap music, with artists like Future, Migos, and Young Thug often referencing it in their lyrics. Dab pens, which are discreet and user-friendly, also became popular among enthusiasts. As the trend grew, dabbing culture expanded, with enthusiasts exploring different concentrates, experimenting with various techniques, and even attending dabbing events and competitions.


The growing influence of vaping

In recent years, vaping has emerged as a new trend among hip-hop artists, captivating the attention of both fans and industry insiders. With its rise in popularity, vaping has become the new symbol of coolness, replacing traditional smoking as the preferred choice of trendsetters. Renowned artists like 21 Savage, Travis Scott, and Post Malone have embraced the vaping culture, often seen effortlessly flaunting their sleek vape pens in music videos and public appearances.

Not only is vaping considered trendy but This phrase could be humanized as: “It’s also praised for the health benefits people believe it offers. As more and more people seek healthier alternatives to smoking, vaping has gained traction as a preferred option. With the rise of cannabis-related products and the increasing acceptance of marijuana, hip-hop artists have found a unique platform to showcase their own branded vape products. This fusion of music, culture, and entrepreneurship has created fresh opportunities for artists to engage with their fans and promote their brand of cannabis-related products, further fueling the vaping phenomenon within the hip-hop community.

Vaping beyond smoking

Hip-hop’s relationship with vaping goes far beyond just smoking. It has become a significant influence not only in the music industry but also in the beauty industry. Vaping has made its way into the world of cosmetics, with cannabis-infused balms, oils, and lotions gaining tremendous popularity. Renowned rappers like Cardi B and Rihanna have taken advantage of this trend and even launched their line of cannabis-based beauty products. By incorporating the trend of vaping into their brand, they have showcased their entrepreneurial spirit and tapped into a growing market that merges the worlds of music, beauty, and cannabis culture. Additionally, products like the THC Pen from TRĒ House exemplify how vaping technology continues to intertwine with various aspects of contemporary culture, including hip-hop’s influence on consumer preferences and lifestyle choices.


The relationship between hip-hop and smoking has always been intriguing and ever-evolving. Throughout the years, hip-hop culture has seamlessly adapted to the shifting trends in smoking practices. From the classic blunts to the rise of balm, the influence of smoking on hip-hop has been undeniable.

However, with the growing popularity of vaping, a new chapter has emerged. Hip-hop artists are now embracing and promoting a healthier approach to smoking through the use of vape pens and cannabis-infused beauty products. This shift highlights hip-hop culture’s adaptability and reflects a conscious effort to prioritize well-being.