Hip-Hop Rumors: Young Buck Speaks (Sorta)! Just A Lot of Star Stalking!

By Illseed DISCLAIMER:   All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.   YESTERDAY’S RUMORS! Hip-Hip Rumors: Wayne’s Carter III Cover! Alicia Keys To Marry? Jim Jones Beef Over! OK   Yesterday, I cranked out a full day […]

By Illseed



All content within this section is pure rumor

and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered

in our ear. Read on.



RUMORS! Hip-Hip Rumors: Wayne’s Carter III Cover! Alicia Keys To Marry? Jim Jones Beef Over!



Yesterday, I cranked out a full day of rumors (Lil’ Wayne’s

album) and an editorial (“They Live”). Here are today’s rumors even though I

was close to just taking a day off. Look for some rumors later on in the day.

There is actually a lot of stuff going on and its just

a matter of getting it out.



***UPDATE***To hear “Not OK” click right here.

Is Buck talking through a new song called “I’m Not OK?”

There are no references to G-Unit or 50, but there are hints. Interestingly enough,

he shouts out Dr. Dre and Eminem.


“I made more in the

streets than my whole rap career.”


“I’m doing me.”

“I’m good man. My kids

gonna eat regardless, homey.”


“There are two sides

to every story.”


Also, in this Young Buck stuff, somebody told me that Sha Money, the former G-Unit president, might not be

representing him anymore. Maybe he feels there is a conflict of interest? Nothing for certain. I want to know something though.





I guess y’all can say I told you, but Alicia and Krucial are supposedly getting married this summer. I’m

very interested in this one. They have denied being an item, but I think after

their recent appearances, we can put 1 and 1 together. 🙂 I guess they will

have the real top secret wedding, because they sure can keep a secret.






I have not seen the new Jay-Z/Mary show,but I keep hearing Jay’s part is getting

increasingly political. I don’t know if he is making little changes or if

people are just relaying it differently. I hear Jay is now doing acapella

versions of “Minority Report” and displaying pictures from Hurricane Katrina/Bush

victims! Crazy!




Some artists that are claiming to be down with the new Jay-Z

venture are suggesting that Jay and Dame might be working together in some

capacity on the new Roc Nation deal. If

anybody knows anything about this, let me know, because I almost cannot fathom





I heard that Beyonce is now

wearing a huge wedding ring – if you can see it. Mostly, people have seen her

sporting black gloves to cover her manicured hands, but those that have seen

say there is something big on that ring finger. Apparently, at the concert in Atlanta she was with

Usher and there it was in plain sight. When people ask, they are both denying

anything happened…with a laugh. They might as well just reveal all so I can

stop reporting on this mess.




They are trying to say that Luke isn’t paying for his kids. He reportedly

owes close to $40,000 in unpaid child support. Even though his daughter is over

18, this is from past money due to the baby’s mother. I think somebody needs to

tell Luke to “use the force” and pay the mother off.



Want to hear Kanye talk? Here you go:

don’t do anything I don’t love anymore… I loved

the flashing lights vid so it didn’t matter 2 me if

someone one else didn’t. While people chase money I pursue happiness. So many

people talk about there investments or how much money they have but there’s so

many rich people who spend a lot of that trying 2 buy a piece of happiness. If

there’s anything my mom taught me is to enjoy life. I just recorded my first

verse in the last 6 months 2 days ago at Bape’s

Studio in Japan.

It felt good and I was inspired. I absolutely lost my mind (in a good way) on

the new Glow in the Dark tour. The constant hours of creating helped me 2 keep

from loosing my mind in a bad way. Chris Milk told me tragedy can produce great

art and this is definitely true. I am a total mad man now, up till 3 am every

night, trying 2 fight pain, board-um, and uncertainty with creativity. All that said, life is good….. good

as finding the perfect fabric for a simple one button casual blazer with

matching pants.






According to reports by Eurweb Diddy is ecstatic about Cassie’s upcoming album… But then

again did we expect anything less from him peep this:


‘Although pop star Cassie had a huge hit in 2006 with her single ‘Me

and You’, critics and fans alike were appalled by her severe vocal challenges

during a string of promotional performances on TV. Her label head, Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs, tells Billboard that Cassie has since stepped

up her game and has songs on her sophomore album that will impress the haters.


Explaining Cassie’s poor performances during the promotion of her

self-titled debut album, Diddy says: ‘I just don’t

think she was ready. I think that we threw her into the spotlight without the

artist development — that goes on with a lot of new artists. We pulled out, we

took our time, we developed her for like, a

year-and-a-half. People are just going to see her there and be like, ‘Wow,

she’s really cocooned into a butterfly.’


Unless Cassie is a new Cassie with a new voice we aren’t interested! Get a clue



Damn Can They Enjoy the Honeymoon……….


So some Internet sources have seemed to lose their damn mind and are

circulating rumors that Beyonce is pregnant! WTF can

these two confirm a marriage first before people even think about a so called

family! And they wonder why celebs don’t want to

spill the beans to valuable outlets such as myself and other online

publications! Just crazy! Peep this via EXTRA:


“The Internet is buzzing with reports that the alleged newlywed is

already trying to conceal a baby bump under high-waist shirts, big purses and

long coats. The shy starlet has in the past talked of her desire for a full

family, saying, ‘In a perfect world I’d have two boys and a girl.’ She’s still not

confirming whether she wed her BF of six years, Jay-Z, in Manhattan last Friday.


A Knowles rep tells “Extra” that she “has no idea” about the Beyoncé baby rumors.’


Wow people are way left field with this! I’ll keep my eyes and ears to the

street though!


Jailhouse Rock: The G Unit Edition


According to the Daily News rapper Tony Yayo and the

whole G-Unit crew are being faced with a lawsuit that stems from some beatdown that took place peep this:


“The mom of a teen boy who says

he was smacked around by Tony Yayo, a member of 50

Cent’s G-Unit posse, is suing the rap stars for a big bucks payout. James Rosemond – whose dad Jimmy [Henchman] Rosemond

runs Czar Entertainment and manages The Game, a G-Unit rival – blames the

rappers for an attack last year set off because he was wearing a Czar

Entertainment shirt.


It’s hard to believe that a 14-year-old boy walking on E. 25th St. at 6 in

the evening was attacked by four adult males just because of the shirt he was

wearing,’ said Richard R####, the teen’s lawyer.


50’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, said Reed is

just looking for ‘a quick payday.’

Hmmm.. How does the saying go…

You can take em out the hood but you can’t take the

hood out of them! Man step your game up guys!


Moving right along… For all those board stiff at work watch this for



Saaphyri Lip Chap Pt.2


and if that wasn’t enough peep Kelly Rowland’s re-shoot of her video

‘The Comeback’ ( no really that’s the name of the song) No I’m not posting it

ya’ll know how I feel about that! I’m sure illseed

will though!


Lady Drama’s Food For Thought:


Hey Ladies…….Is Anyone else curious to know what

fountain of youth Stacy Dash has been drinking from so we can get a



Damn if my jokes are a swing and miss I need to fire my ghostwriter for not

doing his job… Damn Illseed I didn’t think it would



Are you all really dissapointed with Wayne’s cover? I think it’s creative but it’s

just my thought! He actually looked better then than he does now I think it was

a smart marketing move!


Illseed’s editorial is very insightful and well

written! Let me find out! GO CHECK IT OUT!


I’m Out remember: The More you Say the Less

They Listen!


P.S It’s an extremely slow news day and I’m sure we’re all Cartered

(AKA JAY Z and Beyonce) out with stories about their

secret love affair! So I’m gonna keep it short and

simple today! Tommorow will be better so breathe easy

AHH fam love you guys!






The Love Guru is a new dude out on the scene. He actually

stands alone as funny material, but if you need some sort of rap connection, he

addresses Kanye “G. Bush Doesn’t

Like Black People” West and Mike Myers.


Click the below link to see Kanye

and the Great Love Guru.








If anybody creates something called the “Blackhole

Machine” you know nothing good is going to come out of it.


Peep this report from CTV.ca:


An American and a

Spaniard have launched a lawsuit to stop scientists from firing up a machine

they fear could destroy not just life on Earth but the planet itself.



scientists, including dozens from Canada, are about to launch the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a

27-kilometre long particle accelerator built near Geneva, Switzerland.

It will shoot beams of protons at each other in an effort to recreate

conditions that resemble what the universe might have been like in the

milliseconds after the Big Bang.


In the process,

scientists may end up creating miniature black holes — areas of space that

have gravitational pulls so strong that not even light can escape.


The more matter a black

hole pulls in, the stronger it becomes. And that’s what worries Walter Wagner,

the American who is suing to temporarily stop the project. He says the creation

of these black holes here on Earth, no matter how small, may unleash a chain

reaction that could destroy the planet.


Wagner says there’s a

possibility that black holes could just get bigger and bigger as they pull more

and more matter into themselves.


“Eventually, all

of Earth would fall into such growing micro-black-holes, converting Earth into a

medium-sized black hole, around which would continue to orbit the moon,

In other words, Wagner

asserts the LHC is a machine that will end up causing the Earth to eat itself

— perhaps in less than a century. It may sound fantastic, like a plotline out

of a James Bond movie where an evil scientist holds the earth for ransom with a

deadly weapon, but Wagner says the possibility isn’t science fiction.





I like this beat he’s putting together. Check it out.


They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry!


WHO: illseed

WHAT: Rumors

WHERE: AllHipHop.com, MySpace.com/TheIllseed

HOW: Send your rumors and ill pics to illseed at ahhrumors@gmail.com.

– allhiphop rumors