RapLegend205 Shines In His New Single “Shortest Freestyle Ever”

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nRNAWDAqfc[/embedyt] Regardless of genre or time constraints, Birmingham-born Rap Legend 205 delivers on his promise of creating the “Shortest Freestyle Ever” and making it shine through his latest single. Legend has already become a shining star in the local Birmingham artists circle, and with his latest drop, he’s taking steps towards the next stage […]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nRNAWDAqfc[/embedyt]

Regardless of genre or time constraints, Birmingham-born Rap Legend 205 delivers on his promise of creating the “Shortest Freestyle Ever” and making it shine through his latest single. Legend has already become a shining star in the local Birmingham artists circle, and with his latest drop, he’s taking steps towards the next stage of his career: sharing his talent with the rest of the world beyond Birmingham.

“Shortest Freestyle Ever” is less than a minute-long, but it showcases the strength and talent of Rap Legend 205 as both a rapper and lyricist. The lyrics are reminiscent of other hit rap songs of the past, and the song itself wouldn’t be out of place with a top 20s hit. The theme of making it in the industry regardless of societal expectations and adversities on the way to the top is prevalent throughout the upbeat, fast-paced track.

The production is seamlessly clean even through the intensity of the tempo, and Rap Legend 205 addresses his strategy to making it big, as well — he simply states he “puts his heart in his music” regardless of the troubles that those who don’t believe in his aspirations may cause for him. His exceptional talent shines through every second of the short track, keeping listeners captivated through its furious rhymes and wondering if he stopped to breathe at all during that minute.

His recent single “Shortest Freestyle Ever” further establishes that there is no one quite like Rap Legend 205 in the game. He proves his worth through showcasing his genre-bending musical abilities, through his magical ability to invoke sensory imagery through the image of a car-crash within a rap that is only a few minutes long. It is clear to see where Rap Legend 205 is headed, but the mountain of success is a difficult climb for anyone, even those who are aware of the repercussions that such triumphs may come with.

Rap Legend 205 expresses how entirely aware he is of how fast-paced the industry he’s in is, and how volatile a music career can be in the ever-changing environment. He also showcases his strength of will to keep holding on tight to his music through all the car crashes that may ensue. He’s in it to win it, and more than willing to play the long game.

As he keeps releasing music under his new label across all music platforms, Rap Legend 205 is truly forming a sound and a fanbase that is uniquely and distinctively his own. His strength of will and dedication to creating what sets his heart ablaze is what truly differentiates him in the music scene today.