Blueface Scolds Chrisean Rock, Says She’s Using Their Child For Clout

Blueface and Chrisean Rock

Blueface called out Chrisean Rock after she criticized him for missing their baby’s birth despite her previous objections to him attending.

Blueface accused Chrisean Rock of lying about why he missed the birth of their child. The rapper ranted about his ex-girlfriend in a series of X (formerly Twitter) posts on Thursday (September 7).

“You already admitted to not inviting me I found out my baby was being born on instagram,” he wrote. “Had you called me an given me information I would have made it you literally named the baby Chrisean jr your selfish decisions aren’t adding up with this cry baby story you literally live talking about my kids to make your situation seem better sad how far you’ll go manipulation.”

Blueface responded to an Instagram Live video in which Chrisean Rock claimed he had the opportunity to attend their baby’s birth. Chrisean Rock previously declared her ex could not be present for the birth of their child. Blueface criticized her for trying to change her story.

“Don’t be bitter an make things up to fit your narrative,” he wrote. “just be at peace with the baby stop going live for a bit put your phone down an just enjoy it for a week atleast dam baby got a instagram with a email my son already taking bookings at 2 days old she did all this for clout.”

Blueface said Chrisean Rock “had a baby for clout.” He was not happy with her naming their child Chrisean Malone Jr.

“She tryna get her name out there anyway she can it’s a dam shame,” Blueface wrote. “Only [thing] I’m bitter about is the name that was selfish she literally made a decision for 3 people her me an him…about herself.”

He added, “It’s about what’s best for the baby at this point f### me an chrisean differences but I’m not jumping out the window if she wants to make it about herself maybe she thinks a son doesn’t need his dad because you guys encourage these selfish decisions.”

Watch the Instagram Live that set off Blueface below.