Breonna Taylor Grand Juror Speaks; Says Homicide Charges Were Never An Option

Breonna Taylor

A grand juror has had enough of Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron. After a court battle, the anonymous juror was allowed to reveal some shocking information. 

Last month (September 23rd) when Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron hosted a press conference about the controversial death of Breonna Taylor, he thought that he had the last word. 

Now, lawyers representing some of the jurors from the grand jury hosted a press conference and it is clear that there is more to this story than was originally relayed to the public.

On March 13th, Breonna Taylor was shot dead in her home during a police-involved shooting. 

The AG determined, even before a grand jury convened on the case, that two of the officers— Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Detective Myles Cosgrove — acted in self-defense the morning that she was killed. 

The only officer charged was Brett Hankison, who received a slap on the wrist when he charged with three counts of first-degree wanton endangerment and released on $15,000 bail.

Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker, who exchanged shots with the officers, thought that they were being robbed because he did not hear them announce themselves before barging into their home while they were in bed. 

According to one of the jurors who has chosen to remain anonymous, was that the grand jury never deliberated on how justifiable homicide charges could be against the three police officers involved in the events that resulted in Breonna Taylor’s death.

“The grand jury was not presented any charges other than the three Wanton Endangerment charges against Detective Brett Hankison,” the grand juror shared according to the Courier-Journal. “The grand jury did not have homicide offenses explained to them. The grand jury never heard anything about those laws.

“Questions were asked about additional charges and the grand jury was told there would be none because the prosecutors didn’t feel they could make them stick.”

The juror was allowed to speak after Jefferson Circuit Judge Annie O’Connell granted the juror the opportunity to speak publicly about the case via a 10-page ruling. The statement was released by the Glogower Law Office.

Cameron had tried to block the jurors from speaking. But a judge shut him down saying that he has made “multiple public statements and characterizations about the grand jury and the resulting indictment” of Hankison.