Children Battling Cancer Dance To Diddy’s Song & Ask Him To Join

Children are dancing to his timeless hit “Bad Boys For Life” in an attempt to fight cancer.

(AllHipHop News) Diddy’s love for dancing is spreading all across the States.

Now, his 2001 hit single “Bad Boys for Life” has seemed to re-emerge, providing joy and love to kids battling cancer all across the states.

Fighting All Monsters recently posted a video on Facebook asking Diddy to join the kids in dancing.

FAM’s mission statement is to bring quality support to families that haven children facing life-threatening challenges.

Their bio reads: “We are here to ease the multifaceted and unique burdens of families facing monsters. A range of FAM services have been curated to enable us to stand by families physically, financially, and emotionally. Dream fulfillments for children in treatment, bill assistance, and bereavement support for families strive to elicit some happiness and relief in the midst of dark times.”

It seems “Bad Boys for Life” has unofficially become the organization’s anthem.

The video reveals kids with cancer dancing and bopping their heads, proceeding to ask the New York rap mogul to join them. Snoop Dogg even makes a cameo in the clip to ask Puff to join them.