Chris Brown Responds To Meet & Greet Backlash; Calls Out “Lame” Artists Who Don’t Show Love To Fans  

Chris Brown responded to critics of his meet and greet sessions with a PSA explaining why the meet and greets are so special to him.

Ever since photos emerged of Chris Brown showing love to his fans at recent meet and greet sessions, the singer has been the talk of social media. 

Whether it’s the rumored $1,000 or the prom-style poses Breezy and his fans adopt, people cannot stop talking about it. When the latest batch of images hit the net on Monday (Aug. 1), Chris Brown decided enough was enough.  

He took to Instagram to share a PSA, sharing how much he appreciates his fans and wants to create everlasting memories with them. He also had a few words for artists who don’t value their supporters.  

“When artist (everyone) do concerts, they all have something called a VIP package,” Chris Brown explained. “I haven’t done meet and greets in over 7 years… I have the coolest fans on the planet .. I appreciate the f### outta them. These are memories that will last with them forever.” 

He continued and separated himself from his peers who don’t show the same love to their fans. “Unlike these lame artist that wont even make eye contact with the people who made it possible to even have a career. I only exist because these fans saw something in me I never thought was possible.. So Ima go all out for my fans!!!!” 

Last month, Fabolous and Kevin Hart pulled up to one of Breezy’s shows and crashed his meet and greet. The pair joined other Chris Brown fans in line before making sure they took some snaps with their famous friend. Check out the hilarious clip and a thread of meet and greet pics below.  

Chris Brown Meet and Greets