Jeezy Claims Jeannie Mai Is “Weaponizing” Their Daughter In Divorce

Jeezy and Jeannie Mai

Jeezy and Jeannie Mai have been battling over the custody of their daughter since the rapper filed for divorce in 2023.

Jeezy accused his estranged wife Jeannie Mai of using their daughter against him in their contentious divorce. According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Jeezy filed a motion to dismiss or modify their agreement on temporary issues – including custody of their child.

The 46-year-old rapper told a Georgia court that Mai hasn’t lived up to her end of the agreement, preventing him from spending time with their daughter. Jeezy claimed Mai was using their child to coerce him into giving her what she wanted in their divorce.

“Unfortunately, the Respondent is weaponizing Petitioner’s love for the parties’ minor child against him in hope that he will concede to Respondent’s unrealistic and erratic demands,” Jeezy contended.

Jeezy filed for divorce in September 2023. He said Mai took their daughter with her when she “suddenly vacated the marital residence” in October 2023.

Mai raised concerns about their daughter’s safety. She insisted Jeezy “irresponsibly hides dangerous firearms throughout his home which are easily accessible” to their child.

Jeezy’s estranged wife also accused him of domestic violence. She cited several examples of him abusing her during their marriage in a court filing. One incident allegedly involved him choking her and pushing her down the stairs at a hotel. Jeezy denied Mai’s allegations.

“The allegations are not only false but also deeply disturbing, especially coming from someone I loved,” he said. “This malicious attempt to tarnish my character and disrupt my family is ridiculous. It’s disheartening to witness the manipulation and deceit at play and at this time my main concern is being an active father to our daughter as I continue to fight for court-mandated joint custody. Rest assured, the truth will prevail through the proper legal channels.”

Jeezy and Mai got married in March 2021. They welcomed their daughter Monaco in January 2022.