Just Leave Jonah Hill & Lauren London Alone

Lauren London and Jonah Hill play star-crossed lovers in the new Netflix film, You People—at least at first. Without ruining the movie, Eddie Murphy, who plays London’s father, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, in the role of Hill’s mother, make it nearly impossible for their relationship to work and chaos ensues. (Just keeping watching.) Anyway, the film’s […]

Lauren London and Jonah Hill play star-crossed lovers in the new Netflix film, You People—at least at first. Without ruining the movie, Eddie Murphy, who plays London’s father, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, in the role of Hill’s mother, make it nearly impossible for their relationship to work and chaos ensues. (Just keeping watching.)

Anyway, the film’s synopsis revolves around the complications that arise when an interracial couple falls in love. But for some reason, certain people refuse to believe someone like Hill could woo a woman like London. Not because Hill is white and Jewish and London is Black (whose biological father is also white and Jewish, by the way)—but because of his looks.

Following the January 20 premiere of the film, Twitter blew up with reactions like:


Obviously, conclusions like this are cruel and unnecessary. Hill, for one, is hilarious. He’s smart. Driven. Successful. And has great taste in Hip-Hop. Period. He’s also fought like hell to get in shape over the years, which in Hollywood, has to suck. Through it all, he remains personable and kind.

Imagine how he would feel if he actually looked at Twitter (which he actually swore off to focus on his mental health) and saw all the nasty comments. Thankfully, there are even more people standing up for Hill, who deserves that and then some. Frankly, fxxk people who judge others solely based on their appearance and have been brainwashed by what society deems attractive. Grow up.

On that note, let’s applaud those who actually had something nice to say about Jonah Hill and Lauren London. On-screen chemistry or not, let’s not pretend like their attraction to each other is impossible. In fact, just leave them alone.