Full Force Erased from Lisa Lisa’s Lifetime Movie—Why?
Lisa Lisa’s Lifetime biopic tells an inspiring story, but something’s off—why was Full Force completely erased from the narrative?
Lisa Lisa’s Lifetime biopic tells an inspiring story, but something’s off—why was Full Force completely erased from the narrative?
We now conclude our two-part story with radio legend Greg Mack and for those who might dispute that, yes he is a legend. Back before the artists that you now refer to as legends became legends, they needed a home to be heard and 1580 KDAY was that place whether it was an East Coast […]
(AllHipHop News) Veteran Hip-Hop band Full Force will be the subject of a special episode of “Unsung” tonight January 30. The history of Full Force’s impact on the music business will be explored during the one hour special, which explores the careers of group members Paul Anthony, Bow Legged Lou, Baby Gerry, B-Fine and Shy […]